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Test for Set equality

[ Note : as of 2023-12-24, my browser retrieves this question that seems t have never been asked, (an still of interest). So I pot it very lately... ]

Inspired by this question, I stumbled in an unexpected difficulty when trying to compare two Sets :

sage: L[:2]
[ 2 -2]  [0 1]  [   0    1]
[-2  1], [0 1], [   0 -1/2]
[ 2 -2]  [   0    1]  [0 1]
[-2  1], [   0 -1/2], [0 1]
sage: Set(L[0][1:])==Set(L[1][1:])

Quite unexpected... However :

sage: all([u in Set(L[1][1:]) for u in Set(L[0][1:])])
sage: all([u in Set(L[0][1:]) for u in Set(L[1][1:])])

as expected.

The Sets reference doesn't mention testing forv Sets equality.

Is that a bug, an oversight or an expected behaviour ?