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asked 12 years ago

MathBear gravatar image

accessing SageMath from Second Life

Grreetings to all from Math Bear! This question deals with a very serious issue that I really need help with. I have a virtual school at Math Bear Education Initiative in the virtual world of second Life. My emphasis is on math teaching. Second Life in its Viewer2 has greatly expanded its ability to access the internet in a superior way that resembles most standard web browsers. I do not want to burden the server with all the activity involved in multuple users simultaneously accessing the server and actively publishing worksheets. As a result I have set up my own sage math server (v.5.0 for 64bit Ubuntu) at on the RackSpace cloud. this server is accessible from the internet and seems to be quite stable. It implements perfectly all the various special features of current Sage Math. My problem is security considerations prevent me from accessing it from Second Life. I have absolutely no trouble accessing the sage math server from I can sign in to my sage math account there from within Second Life on a web active whiteboard surface that I have opened in my classroom. The sign in page comes up and if I sign in it takes me to my notebook and shows me available pages. The pages open up and function just as they are supposed to, the one exception being that JMOL graphics, although they show up within Second Life perfectly well cannot be interacted with but are frozen in place. Since the Second Life media capabilities are rather limited currently with respect to JAVA applets, this is not surprising and not really a problem for me. Indeed I am amazed that JMOL works at all! Canvas3D works also and unlike JMOL is interactive inside Second Life. Tachyon, of course, works fine. Unfortunately, I cannot access my own sage math server at the address listed above from within Second Life. I cannot even access the published worksheets page. In both cases I get the message "SSL handshake failed". I did try running the sage math server in non-secure mode, but besides giving me all sorts of dire warning messages on doing so, it simply refuses to work at all in non-secure mode. Now I think I can safely assume that is being run with security active at all times, no? I DESPERATELY need to know how to make my sage math server accessible in Second life! my plans for math education are centered around making major use of sage math for math teaching in virtual reality (I am also using Geogebra and Twiddla in my classrooms). I know it can be done because is fully accessible from within Second Life. But what can I do to convince my sage math server to accept contact with Second Life and allow me to use sagemath inworld? It will be a huge setback for my plans to adapt Sage Math for math teaching in a virtual classroom if I cannot achieve this. I want to get it fully implemented at my school in Second life then show it off to other members of the educational community in Second life. if you have a Second Life account, just enter "Math Bear" (the space is important) into Second Life Search then teleport to the Math Bear Education Initiative. I have three 11 story classroom towers, a 120 seat stadium, and a media dome floating in the sky above the towers. feel free to stroll around and checkout the towers. The elevators are in good working order and fun to use. I have model classrooms installed on the 10th floor of each tower, Try playing with the media technology for yourself Those who have never experienced Second Life are inclined to belittle it as if it were some sort of game which it is not. It represents the direction in which the internet as a whole is evolving. The sense of presence in Second Life is overwhelming and the sense of genuine interactions with others is extraordinary. Being in a virtual classroom is remarkably like being in a real one but virtual real estate is vastly cheaper. The whole complex costs me $80 a month to rent and that is something to consider in this time of extreme austerity and tight budgets. Can anyone help? With begging on knees and anguished pleading and wringing of hands and buckets of tears, Yours Sincerely, MathBear P.S. So close and yet so far! Aaaauuughhhh!! P.P.S. If we get this problem solved, I am willing to let other teachers use my classrooms for teaching related subjects. I have more than 20 available and free of charge.

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updated 12 years ago

kcrisman gravatar image

accessing SageMath from Second Life

Grreetings to all from Math Bear! This question deals with a very serious issue that I really need help with. I have a virtual school at Math Bear Education Initiative in the virtual world of second Life. My emphasis is on math teaching. Second Life in its Viewer2 has greatly expanded its ability to access the internet in a superior way that resembles most standard web browsers. I do not want to burden the server with all the activity involved in multuple users simultaneously accessing the server and actively publishing worksheets. As a result I have set up my own sage math server (v.5.0 for 64bit Ubuntu) at on the RackSpace cloud. this server is accessible from the internet and seems to be quite stable. It implements perfectly all the various special features of current Sage Math. My problem is security considerations prevent me from accessing it from Second Life. I have absolutely no trouble accessing the sage math server from I can sign in to my sage math account there from within Second Life on a web active whiteboard surface that I have opened in my classroom. The sign in page comes up and if I sign in it takes me to my notebook and shows me available pages. The pages open up and function just as they are supposed to, the one exception being that JMOL graphics, although they show up within Second Life perfectly well cannot be interacted with but are frozen in place. Since the Second Life media capabilities are rather limited currently with respect to JAVA applets, this is not surprising and not really a problem for me. Indeed I am amazed that JMOL works at all! Canvas3D works also and unlike JMOL is interactive inside Second Life. Tachyon, of course, works fine. Unfortunately, I cannot access my own sage math server at the address listed above from within Second Life. I cannot even access the published worksheets page. In both cases I get the message "SSL handshake failed". I did try running the sage math server in non-secure mode, but besides giving me all sorts of dire warning messages on doing so, it simply refuses to work at all in non-secure mode. Now I think I can safely assume that is being run with security active at all times, no? I DESPERATELY need to know how to make my sage math server accessible in Second life! my plans for math education are centered around making major use of sage math for math teaching in virtual reality (I am also using Geogebra and Twiddla in my classrooms). I know it can be done because is fully accessible from within Second Life. But what can I do to convince my sage math server to accept contact with Second Life and allow me to use sagemath inworld? It will be a huge setback for my plans to adapt Sage Math for math teaching in a virtual classroom if I cannot achieve this. I want to get it fully implemented at my school in Second life then show it off to other members of the educational community in Second life. if you have a Second Life account, just enter "Math Bear" (the space is important) into Second Life Search then teleport to the Math Bear Education Initiative. I have three 11 story classroom towers, a 120 seat stadium, and a media dome floating in the sky above the towers. feel free to stroll around and checkout the towers. The elevators are in good working order and fun to use. I have model classrooms installed on the 10th floor of each tower, Try playing with the media technology for yourself Those who have never experienced Second Life are inclined to belittle it as if it were some sort of game which it is not. It represents the direction in which the internet as a whole is evolving. The sense of presence in Second Life is overwhelming and the sense of genuine interactions with others is extraordinary. Being in a virtual classroom is remarkably like being in a real one but virtual real estate is vastly cheaper. The whole complex costs me $80 a month to rent and that is something to consider in this time of extreme austerity and tight budgets. Can anyone help? With begging on knees and anguished pleading and wringing of hands and buckets of tears, Yours Sincerely, MathBear P.S. So close and yet so far! Aaaauuughhhh!! P.P.S. If we get this problem solved, I am willing to let other teachers use my classrooms for teaching related subjects. I have more than 20 available and free of charge.