I am trying to follow the instructions at https://github.com/sagemath/sage/#readme
I started by selecting a mirror and downloading sage-10.0.tar.gz.
As is customary, it ended up in my "Downloads" folder.
The next instruction says "After downloading the source tarball sage-10.0.tar.gz into ~/sage/" -- I'm not sure what this means -- by "downloading into ~/sage/" do the instructions really mean "drag and drop"?
I successfully dragged and dropped it into ~/sage/, but when I try the next step, it fails to expand the archive.
I tried the following:
$ cd ~/sage/ $ tar xf sage-10.0.tar.gz # adapt 10.0;
the terminal responds as follows:
tar: #: Not found in archive tar: adapt: Not found in archive tar: 10.0: Not found in archive tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
Should I just expand the archive by opening the "sage" folder in the finder and double clicking on the age-10.0.tar.gz file?
Or is it critical that I expand it using the terminal commands shown in the ReadMe?