Hello to everyone,
Is there a way to control the arrow size in a 3d plot? I can do pretty much what I want in 2d, with, for instance
var('t') x(t) = 2*cos(t) y(t) = sin(t) p1 = [(x(t), y(t)) for t in sxrange(0,pi/2+pi/50, pi/50) ] Fig = arrow2d(path = [[p] for p in p1], aspect_ratio =1, arrowsize = 3, width=1, zorder = 5, color= "red", axes= True, ticks = [[1],[1]],axes_labels = ['$x$','$y$'], axes_labels_size=1.4)
However in 3d, the arrow3d(...)
command seems unable to use path =...
I tried something like line3d(... arrow_head = True,...)
howeverI can't figure ou how to control the size of the arrow at the end.
There is a related issue here : I use arrows to put axes in my 3d plots, but whtn the aspect_ratio
is changed the way the arrows look is modified as well.
Any ideas?