Hey, I'm very new to Sage and would appreciate some help taking wedge products of Boolean polynomials. Here's a simple example of what I'm trying to do:
R.<a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3> = BooleanPolynomialRing(6)
monomials = [1] + [R.gen(i)*R.gen(j)*R.gen(k) for i in range(0,5) for j in range (0,5) for k in range (0,5)]
B3 = R.ideal(monomials)
f = a1*b2 + a2*b3
g = a1
f_new = f.wedge(g)
I want to be able to start with two Boolean polynomials f and g, then take their wedge product (as an element of the second exterior power of B3 here).
The error I'm getting is: AttributeError: 'sage.rings.polynomial.pbori.pbori.BooleanPolynomial' object has no attribute 'wedge'
Thank you so much for any help!