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Grouping Variables in SageMath

I have a multivariate polynomial of the form (type sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular)

a_1*x^2 + a_2*x*y + a_3*y^2 + a_4*x + a_5*y + a_6  + b_1*x^2 + b_2*x*y + b_3*y^2 + b_4*x + b_5*y + b_6

in the ring where all of the a_i, b_j, x, y are variables. Is there a way to group the variables x,y such that I can treat the equation as

(a_1+b_1)*x^2 + (a_2+b_2)*x*y + (a_3+b_3)*y^2 + (a_4+b_4)*x + (a_5+b_5)*y + (a_6+b_6)

in particular, I want to extract the coefficients of monomials in x,y say for example to get the coefficient of x^2 I want to get a_1+b_1.

Thanks in advance.