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efficient generation of restricted divisors

This question is in the same venue as my previous one on generation of unitary divisors.

This time I'm interested in generating all divisors of a given factored integer that are below given bound B. For simplicity I will focus on just counting them.

A straightforward way is to use the divisors() function:

import itertools
def divbelow_1(n,B):
    return sum(1 for _ in itertools.takewhile(lambda d: d<=B, divisors(n)))

The downside is that this function constructs a list of all divisors of $n$ (there are $\tau(n)$ of them), which limits its applicability. Still, if this list fits into the memory, divbelow_1() works quite fast. I'm interested in the case when $\tau(n)$ is large, but the number of divisors below B is moderate. Ideally, I'd like to have a function that have comparable performance to divbelow_1(n,B) when B==n, and that at the same time avoids generation divisors above B.

My attempt was:

# N = list(factor(n)), a list of pairs (prime,exponent) forming the factorization of n 
def divbelow_2(N,B,i=0):
    if B <= 1:
        return B
    if i>=len(N):
        return 1

    p,e = N[i]
    result = 0
    for k in (0..e):
        result += divbelow_2(N,B,i+1)
        B //= p
        if B==0:

    return result

White it looks quite efficient for me from theoretical perspective, it loses badly to divbelow_1() in practice. Here is a particular example:

sage: %time divbelow_1(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 4.73 s, sys: 368 ms, total: 5.1 s
Wall time: 5.1 s

sage: %time divbelow_2(list(factor(47987366728745697656468743117440000)), 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 1min 31s, sys: 7.89 ms, total: 1min 31s
Wall time: 1min 31s

I can cope with 2-3 fold slowdown, but not with 18-fold one. So, my question is:

Q: Why divbelow_2() is so slow, and if there is there a room for improvement? (without using divisors())

efficient generation of restricted divisors

This question is in the same venue as my previous one on generation of unitary divisors.

This time I'm interested in generating all divisors of a given factored integer that are below given bound B. For simplicity I will focus on just counting them.

A straightforward way is to use the divisors() function:

import itertools
def divbelow_1(n,B):
    return sum(1 for _ in itertools.takewhile(lambda d: d<=B, divisors(n)))

The downside is that this function constructs a list of all divisors of $n$ (there are $\tau(n)$ of them), which limits its applicability. Still, if this list fits into the memory, divbelow_1() works quite fast. I'm interested in the case when $\tau(n)$ is large, but the number of divisors below B is moderate. Ideally, I'd like to have a function that have comparable performance to divbelow_1(n,B) when B==n, and that at the same time avoids generation of divisors above B.

My attempt was:

# N = list(factor(n)), a list of pairs (prime,exponent) forming the factorization of n 
def divbelow_2(N,B,i=0):
    if B <= 1:
        return B
    if i>=len(N):
        return 1

    p,e = N[i]
    result = 0
    for k in (0..e):
        result += divbelow_2(N,B,i+1)
        B //= p
        if B==0:

    return result

White it looks quite efficient for me from theoretical perspective, it loses badly to divbelow_1() in practice. Here is a particular example:

sage: %time divbelow_1(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 4.73 s, sys: 368 ms, total: 5.1 s
Wall time: 5.1 s

sage: %time divbelow_2(list(factor(47987366728745697656468743117440000)), 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 1min 31s, sys: 7.89 ms, total: 1min 31s
Wall time: 1min 31s

I can cope with 2-3 fold slowdown, but not with 18-fold one. So, my question is:

Q: Why divbelow_2() is so slow, and if there is there a room for improvement? (without using divisors())

efficient generation of restricted divisors

This question is in the same venue as my previous one on generation of unitary divisors.

This time I'm interested in generating all divisors of a given factored integer that are below a given bound B. For simplicity I will focus on just counting them.such divisors.

A straightforward way is to use the divisors() function:

import itertools
def divbelow_1(n,B):
    return sum(1 for _ in itertools.takewhile(lambda d: d<=B, divisors(n)))

The downside is that this function constructs a list of all divisors of $n$ (there are $\tau(n)$ of them), which limits its applicability. Still, if this list fits into the memory, divbelow_1() works quite fast. I'm interested in the case when $\tau(n)$ is large, but the number of divisors below B is moderate. Ideally, I'd like to have a function that have comparable performance to divbelow_1(n,B) when B==n, and that at the same time avoids generation of divisors above B.

My attempt was:

# N = list(factor(n)), a list of pairs (prime,exponent) forming the factorization of n 
def divbelow_2(N,B,i=0):
    if B <= 1:
        return B
    if i>=len(N):
        return 1

    p,e = N[i]
    result = 0
    for k in (0..e):
        result += divbelow_2(N,B,i+1)
        B //= p
        if B==0:

    return result

White it looks quite efficient for me from theoretical perspective, it loses badly to divbelow_1() in practice. Here is a particular example:

sage: %time divbelow_1(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 4.73 s, sys: 368 ms, total: 5.1 s
Wall time: 5.1 s

sage: %time divbelow_2(list(factor(47987366728745697656468743117440000)), 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 1min 31s, sys: 7.89 ms, total: 1min 31s
Wall time: 1min 31s

I can cope with 2-3 fold slowdown, but not with 18-fold one. So, my question is:

Q: Why divbelow_2() is so slow, and if there is there a room for improvement? (without using divisors())

efficient generation of restricted divisors

This question is in the same venue as my previous one on generation of unitary divisors.

This time I'm interested in generating all divisors of a given factored integer that are below a given bound B. For simplicity I will focus on just counting such divisors.

A straightforward way is to use the divisors() function:

import itertools
def divbelow_1(n,B):
    return sum(1 for _ in itertools.takewhile(lambda d: d<=B, divisors(n)))

The downside is that this function constructs a list of all divisors of $n$ (there are $\tau(n)$ of them), which limits its applicability. Still, if this list fits into the memory, divbelow_1() works quite fast. I'm interested in the case when $\tau(n)$ is large, but the number of divisors below B is moderate. Ideally, I'd like to have a function that have comparable performance to divbelow_1(n,B) when B==n, and that at the same time avoids generation of divisors above B.

My attempt was:

# N = list(factor(n)), a list of pairs (prime,exponent) forming the factorization of n 
def divbelow_2(N,B,i=0):
    if B <= 1:
        return B
    if i>=len(N):
        return 1

    p,e = N[i]
    result = 0
    for k in (0..e):
        result += divbelow_2(N,B,i+1)
        B //= p
        if B==0:

    return result

White it looks quite efficient for me from theoretical perspective, it loses badly to divbelow_1() in practice. Here is a particular example:

sage: %time divbelow_1(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 4.73 s, sys: 368 ms, total: 5.1 s
Wall time: 5.1 s

sage: %time divbelow_2(list(factor(47987366728745697656468743117440000)), 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 1min 31s, sys: 7.89 ms, total: 1min 31s
Wall time: 1min 31s

I can cope with 2-3 fold slowdown, but not with 18-fold one. So, my question is:

Q: Why divbelow_2() is so slow, and if there is there a room for improvement? (without using divisors())

ADDED. I suspect the drastic slowdown is caused by the recursion overhead. Here is a non-recursive version that generates the list of all divisors below B:

def divbelow_5(n,B):
    div = [1]
    for p, e in factor(n):
        pn = 1
        prev = div.copy()
        for i in range(e):
            pn *= p
            div.extend(r for d in prev if (r := d * pn) <= B)
    return len(div)

On the above example it even beats divbelow_1():

sage: %time divbelow_5(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 2.24 s, sys: 232 ms, total: 2.47 s
Wall time: 2.47 s

efficient generation of restricted divisors

This question is in the same venue as my previous one on generation of unitary divisors.

This time I'm interested in generating all divisors of a given factored integer that are below a given bound B. For simplicity I will focus on just counting such divisors.

A straightforward way is to use the divisors() function:

import itertools
def divbelow_1(n,B):
    return sum(1 for _ in itertools.takewhile(lambda d: d<=B, divisors(n)))

The downside is that this function constructs a list of all divisors of $n$ (there are $\tau(n)$ of them), which limits its applicability. Still, if this list fits into the memory, divbelow_1() works quite fast. I'm interested in the case when $\tau(n)$ is large, but the number of divisors below B is moderate. Ideally, I'd like to have a function that have comparable performance to divbelow_1(n,B) when B==n, and that at the same time avoids generation of divisors above B.

My attempt was:

# N = list(factor(n)), a list of pairs (prime,exponent) forming the factorization of n 
def divbelow_2(N,B,i=0):
    if B <= 1:
        return B
    if i>=len(N):
        return 1

    p,e = N[i]
    result = 0
    for k in (0..e):
        result += divbelow_2(N,B,i+1)
        B //= p
        if B==0:

    return result

White it looks quite efficient for me from theoretical perspective, it loses badly to divbelow_1() in practice. Here is a particular example:

sage: %time divbelow_1(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 4.73 s, sys: 368 ms, total: 5.1 s
Wall time: 5.1 s

sage: %time divbelow_2(list(factor(47987366728745697656468743117440000)), 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 1min 31s, sys: 7.89 ms, total: 1min 31s
Wall time: 1min 31s

I can cope with 2-3 fold slowdown, but not with 18-fold one. So, my question is:

Q: Why divbelow_2() is so slow, and if there is there a room for improvement? (without using divisors())

ADDED. I suspect the drastic slowdown is caused by the recursion overhead. Here is a non-recursive version that generates the list of all divisors below B:

def divbelow_5(n,B):
    div = [1]
    for p, e in factor(n):
        pn ext = 1
        prev = div.copy()
        for i in range(e):
            pn *= p
            div.extend(r ext = [r for d in prev ext if (r := d * pn) p) <= B)
    return len(div)

On the above example it even beats divbelow_1():

sage: %time divbelow_5(47987366728745697656468743117440000, divbelow_7(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 2.24 1.97 s, sys: 232 176 ms, total: 2.47 2.15 s
Wall time: 2.47 2.15 s