I am trying to use sagemath to solve a system of equations. But it doesn't give a solution. The equations has a solution when I checked using other software. My codes are:
x = {(i, j): var("x_{}_{}".format(i, str(j).replace('-', 'm')),
latex_name="x_{{{},{}}}".format(i, j))
for i in (1 .. n1) for j in (-2*n2 .. 2*n2)}
y = {(i, j): var("y_{}_{}".format(i, str(j).replace('-', 'm')),
latex_name="y_{{{},{}}}".format(i, j))
for i in (1 .. n1) for j in (-2*n2 .. 2*n2)}
r1=[-y_1_1 + x_2_1/x_2_2, -y_1_2 + x_2_2/x_2_3, -y_1_3 + x_1_1/x_1_2, -y_2_1 + x_1_2/x_1_3, x_3_1 - y_2_2,
x_1_2*x_2_2*x_3_2 - y_2_3, x_1_3*x_2_3*x_3_3/x_1_1 - y_3_1, x_2_3*x_3_3 - y_3_2, x_1_3*x_2_3*x_3_2 - y_3_3]
va=[x_1_1, x_1_2, x_1_3, x_2_1, x_2_2, x_2_3, x_3_1, x_3_2, x_3_3]
solve(r1, va, solution_dict=True)
Is there some way to find solutions to these equations in SageMath? Thank you very much.