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asked 2 years ago

vidyarthi gravatar image

Number of disjoint hamiltonian cycles in a graph

I wish to obtain the number of mutually disjoint hamiltonian cycles in a given graph. Is there any command in SageMath to do it. I think of iterating over getting the hamiltonian cycle of the graph using G.hamiltonian_cycle() function, by deleting the edges of the cycles obtained at each successive iteration from the graph. However, is there a built-in function in SageMath for this? Thanks beforehand.

Number of disjoint hamiltonian cycles in a graph

I wish to obtain the maximum number of mutually disjoint hamiltonian cycles in a given graph. Is there any command in SageMath to do it. I think of iterating over getting the hamiltonian cycle of the graph using G.hamiltonian_cycle() function, by deleting the edges of the cycles obtained at each successive iteration from the graph. However, is there a built-in function in SageMath for this? Thanks beforehand.