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Could s.o. help me with Verifying this system of differential equation

I would like to verify that these functions :





are a solution to the system of differential equations:


diff(F2) == F1*F2+G1

diff(G1) == F2*(F2-G2)+F2

diff(G2) == F2*(F1-G1)+G1.

Now, i have tried to solve the system directly with "desolve_system" which obviously didn't work. After that i just differentiated the functions above using sage and hoped that sage could somehow verify that e.g F1'=F2^2 but sadly i couldn't show that this was equal because they had such different forms that sage didn't recognize them as equal. But i know for a fact that these functions satisfy the system of DE. is there any way i could prove this using sage, and if so: how could i do it? and i am looking for an algebraic solution not a numeric one.

I would appreciate any answert to my post

Could s.o. help me with Verifying this system of differential equation

I would like to verify that these functions :






are a solution to the system of differential equations:


diff(F2) == F1*F2+G1

F1*F2+G1 diff(G1) == F2*(F2-G2)+F2

F2*(F2-G2)+F2 diff(G2) == F2*(F1-G1)+G1.


Now, i have tried to solve the system directly with "desolve_system" which obviously didn't work. After that i just differentiated the functions above using sage and hoped that sage could somehow verify that e.g F1'=F2^2 but sadly i couldn't show that this was equal because they had such different forms that sage didn't recognize them as equal. But i know for a fact that these functions satisfy the system of DE. is there any way i could prove this using sage, and if so: how could i do it? and i am looking for an algebraic solution not a numeric one.

I would appreciate any answert to my post

Could s.o. help me with Verifying this system of differential equation

I would like to verify that these functions :


are a solution to the system of differential equations:

diff(F1) == F2^2
diff(F2) == F1*F2+G1
diff(G1) == F2*(F2-G2)+F2
diff(G2) == F2*(F1-G1)+G1.

Now, i have tried to solve the system directly with "desolve_system" which obviously didn't work. After that i just differentiated the functions above using sage and hoped that sage could somehow verify that e.g F1'=F2^2 but sadly i couldn't show that this was equal because they had such different forms that sage didn't recognize them as equal. But i know for a fact that these functions satisfy the system of DE. is there any way i could prove this using sage, and if so: how could i do it? and i am looking for an algebraic solution not a numeric one.

I would appreciate any answert to my post