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Why does elimination_ideal not work here?

from sage.all import *
p = 1125899906842679
R = PolynomialRing(GF(p), 'x,y')
I = Ideal(3*x**4 + 740736*x**2 + 4854540*x + 1125884665458743, -x**3 + y**2 + 1125899906719223*x + 1125899906438134)
J = I.elimination_ideal(y)

Here, elimination_ideal leads to an error. I have no clue why. For other examples, like other finite fields, it works. Has someone an idea, why?

click to hide/show revision 2

Why does elimination_ideal not work here?

from sage.all import *
p = 1125899906842679
R = PolynomialRing(GF(p), 'x,y')
I = Ideal(3*x**4 + 740736*x**2 + 4854540*x + 1125884665458743, -x**3 + y**2 + 1125899906719223*x + 1125899906438134)
J = I.elimination_ideal(y)

Here, elimination_ideal leads to an error. I have no clue why. For other examples, like other finite fields, it works. Has someone an idea, why?