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How to get Jupyter notebook to automatically open in browser?

I am running SageMath 9.6 on Ubuntu 22.04.1 running using wsl2 on Windows 11. SageMath was installed from source, since a 9.6 package is not, yet, available on Ubuntu.

Previously, when version 9.5 was started with sage -n jupyter, the Jupyter notebook automatically opened a window in Firefox in Windows 11, which was pretty cool. I have reinstalled Ubuntu. On starting version 9.6 with ./sage -n jupyter, the Firefox window no longer automatically opens; I have to paste a link with a token into FireFox. How do I get the notebook to automatically open?

SageMath 9.5 seemed to be installed as a system-wide app for everyone, whereas 9.6 is installed in my user account, as recommended in the documentation. If I make 9.6 "system-wide", would the notebook then automatically open?

