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make PB when installing from source

I tried to upgrade from SageMath 9.5 to 9.6 without success. because the code below generate error with 9.5:TypeError: unable to find a common ring for all elements

def _(v=('vector', input_grid(1, 3, default=[[1,2,3]], to_value=lambda x: vector(flatten(x))))):


WSL2,W11,Ubuntu 20.04

I wanted to keep the old version 9.5 which is in the sage directory,so I renamed sage to sage-9.5 and then rename the sage-9.6 directory to sage. the compilation time was much lower than usual, moreover the make does not signal an error. I had thought that maybe it was because I was using make -j32 ,so the compilation takes 30 minutes which is suspicious but I got the same PB with make alone which take 111 min only !.

real    111m46.476s
user    114m7.313s
sys     5m34.121s
Sage build/upgrade complete!
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ortollj/sage-9.6'

there are some messages in configure process

config.status: creating convenience symlink venv -> local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8

    notice: the following SPKGs did not find equivalent system packages:

          4ti2 coxeter3 gp2c igraph libsemigroups lrslib pari_elldata pari_galpol pari_nftables pari_seadata polymake _recommended

checking for the package system in use... debian

    hint: installing the following system packages, if not
    already present, may provide additional optional features:

      $ sudo apt-get update
      $ sudo apt-get install  4ti2 pari-gp2c libigraph-dev lrslib polymake libpolymake-dev default-jdk libavdevice-dev


    hint: After installation, re-run configure using:

      $ ./config.status --recheck && ./config.status

but when i run the recommended commands I got :0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.