The result of one of my calculations looks like this...
E == 1/2*(V0*p1*cos(sqrt(-(E - V0)*p1)*a)*sin(sqrt(-(E - V0)*p1)*a) - sqrt(-(E - V0)*p1)*sqrt(E)*sqrt(p1)*cos(sqrt(-(E - V0)*p1)*a)^2 + sqrt(-(E - V0)*p1)*sqrt(E)*sqrt(p1)*sin(sqrt(-(E - V0)*p1)*a)^2)/(p1*cos(sqrt(-(E - V0)*p1)*a)*sin(sqrt(-(E - V0)*p1)*a))
I would like to replace the expression "-(E - V0)*p1" with a simple variable, "beta". I tried using "subs", but it seems it won't substitute at that level.
Is there a way to do this?