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Monte_carlo Integration and Gauss coil formula


When I try to compute the Gauss formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids. if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t(turnSpace=0), then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function. But if I introduce a space between the turns (turnSpace=10242*pi), then appears an error in the calculation of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !. (comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils) Where is the error ? in my computation (most likely !)? in the monte_carlo_integral function ?

with another software when integrating the function below between t=[0,12pi] and s=[0,14pi] do we find the integer value 42=6*7 +- Error with the integer value in the error range?

code on SageCell


assume(nt>0) ;assume(ns >0);
def addAxis(plt,textToPlt,xBound,yBound,zBound) :
    # add axis for real part
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += text3d("X", (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += text3d("Y", (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, zBound), color='red')
    plt += text3d("Z", (0,0, zBound), color='red')
    return plt

def RotateVector(V,anglesDic) :
    #rotation angle alpha around X axis 
    #rotation angle beta around Y axis 
    #rotation angle gamma around Z axis 
    Vx= (RotalphaX*V)
    Vxy= (RotbetaY*Vx)
    Vxyz= (RotgammaZ*Vxy)
    return vector(Vxyz)



xyBound=1.2 ;

gammat0 = vector(SR,[shiftXt+Rt*cos(t),shiftYt+Rt*sin(t),t*turnSpaceT]) #  in xy plane
gammas0 = vector(SR,[shiftXs+Rs*cos(s),shiftYs+Rs*sin(s),s*turnSpaceS]) 
gammas= RotateVector(gammas0,anglesDics)

show("gammat : \t " ,gammat)
show("gammas : \t " ,gammas)

# set here below the number n of coil turns of the blue solenoid)
# the radius Rt and the turns space turnSpaceT
tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:2*pi/512 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}

# change here below the number n of coil turns of the black solenoid)
# the radius Rs and the turns space turnSpaceS
sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:2*pi/512 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

# no space between spires then Monte Carlo integration OK
#tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:0 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}
#sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:0 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

show("gammat with coil's values : \t " ,gammat.subs(tDic))

show("gammas with coil's values : \t " ,gammas.subs(sDic))

# set the circles centers
textToPlt = text3d("Gauss turns number", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800)

plt=parametric_plot3d(gammat.subs(tDic), (0,nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi),color="blue",thickness=thck)
plt+=parametric_plot3d(gammas.subs(sDic), (0,ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi),color="grey",thickness=thck)


# here choose the integration function factor (integrationFactorFunction0 or integrationFactorFunction1)

M=matrix([ [ gammat.diff(t)[0],gammat.diff(t)[1],gammat.diff(t)[2] ],
         [ gammas.diff(s)[0],gammas.diff(s)[1],gammas.diff(s)[2] ],
         [(gammat[0]-gammas[0]), (gammat[1]-gammas[1]),(gammat[2]-gammas[2]) ] ])
precis=40 # precision approximation 
# solenoid with space turn length
show(LatexExpr(r"tLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_t′(t)^2 + y_t′(t)^2 + z_t′(t)^2 } dt \, \, \," +
              r"sLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_s′(t)^2 + y_s′(t)^2 + z_s′(t)^2 } dt "))

show(" ################ compute solenoid length ########################")
tLenDt=sqrt((M[0][0]^2 + M[0][1]^2 + M[0][2]^2).subs(tDic))
solenoidTLen=integrate(tLenDt, (t, 0, nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid T length : \t ",solenoidTLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidTLen.n(precis))

sLenDt=sqrt((M[1][0]^2 + M[1][1]^2 + M[1][2]^2).subs(sDic))
solenoidSLen=integrate(sLenDt, (s, 0, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid S length : \t ",solenoidSLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidSLen.n(precis))

show("matrix M :")
turnsNumber=integrationFactorFunction * M.det()

show("#####################                  turnsNumber                         #####################")


textToPlts = text3d("surface to sum", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800,transparency=0.5)

show("turns number fonction to integrate :",turnsNumberNumDerivative)
show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",
     monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi], 10^8))

#for algo in ['plain', 'miser', 'vegas']:  # abs tol 0.01
#    show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",algo,
#    monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi],
#                         10^6, algorithm=algo))

show(r"""When I try to compute the Gaussian formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids.
if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t*(turnSpace=0),
then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function.

But when I introduce a space between the turns(turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the computation
of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !.
(comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils)

Where is the error ? in my computation ? in the monte_carlo_integral function ? in the Gauss formula ?""")

Monte_carlo Integration and Gauss coil formula


When I try to compute the Gauss formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids. if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t(turnSpace=0), then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function. But if I introduce a space between the turns (turnSpace=10242*pi), then appears an error in the calculation of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !. (comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils) Where is the error ? in my computation (most likely !)? in the monte_carlo_integral function ?

with another software when integrating the function "turnsNumberNumDerivative(t,s)" below between t=[0,12pi] and s=[0,14pi] do we find the integer value 42=6*7 +- Error with the integer value in the error range?

code on SageCell


assume(nt>0) ;assume(ns >0);
def addAxis(plt,textToPlt,xBound,yBound,zBound) :
    # add axis for real part
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += text3d("X", (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += text3d("Y", (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, zBound), color='red')
    plt += text3d("Z", (0,0, zBound), color='red')
    return plt

def RotateVector(V,anglesDic) :
    #rotation angle alpha around X axis 
    #rotation angle beta around Y axis 
    #rotation angle gamma around Z axis 
    Vx= (RotalphaX*V)
    Vxy= (RotbetaY*Vx)
    Vxyz= (RotgammaZ*Vxy)
    return vector(Vxyz)



xyBound=1.2 ;

gammat0 = vector(SR,[shiftXt+Rt*cos(t),shiftYt+Rt*sin(t),t*turnSpaceT]) #  in xy plane
gammas0 = vector(SR,[shiftXs+Rs*cos(s),shiftYs+Rs*sin(s),s*turnSpaceS]) 
gammas= RotateVector(gammas0,anglesDics)

show("gammat : \t " ,gammat)
show("gammas : \t " ,gammas)

# set here below the number n of coil turns of the blue solenoid)
# the radius Rt and the turns space turnSpaceT
tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:2*pi/512 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}

# change here below the number n of coil turns of the black solenoid)
# the radius Rs and the turns space turnSpaceS
sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:2*pi/512 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

# no space between spires then Monte Carlo integration OK
#tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:0 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}
#sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:0 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

show("gammat with coil's values : \t " ,gammat.subs(tDic))

show("gammas with coil's values : \t " ,gammas.subs(sDic))

# set the circles centers
textToPlt = text3d("Gauss turns number", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800)

plt=parametric_plot3d(gammat.subs(tDic), (0,nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi),color="blue",thickness=thck)
plt+=parametric_plot3d(gammas.subs(sDic), (0,ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi),color="grey",thickness=thck)


# here choose the integration function factor (integrationFactorFunction0 or integrationFactorFunction1)

M=matrix([ [ gammat.diff(t)[0],gammat.diff(t)[1],gammat.diff(t)[2] ],
         [ gammas.diff(s)[0],gammas.diff(s)[1],gammas.diff(s)[2] ],
         [(gammat[0]-gammas[0]), (gammat[1]-gammas[1]),(gammat[2]-gammas[2]) ] ])
precis=40 # precision approximation 
# solenoid with space turn length
show(LatexExpr(r"tLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_t′(t)^2 + y_t′(t)^2 + z_t′(t)^2 } dt \, \, \," +
              r"sLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_s′(t)^2 + y_s′(t)^2 + z_s′(t)^2 } dt "))

show(" ################ compute solenoid length ########################")
tLenDt=sqrt((M[0][0]^2 + M[0][1]^2 + M[0][2]^2).subs(tDic))
solenoidTLen=integrate(tLenDt, (t, 0, nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid T length : \t ",solenoidTLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidTLen.n(precis))

sLenDt=sqrt((M[1][0]^2 + M[1][1]^2 + M[1][2]^2).subs(sDic))
solenoidSLen=integrate(sLenDt, (s, 0, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid S length : \t ",solenoidSLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidSLen.n(precis))

show("matrix M :")
turnsNumber=integrationFactorFunction * M.det()

show("#####################                  turnsNumber                         #####################")


textToPlts = text3d("surface to sum", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800,transparency=0.5)

show("turns number fonction to integrate :",turnsNumberNumDerivative)
show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",
     monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi], 10^8))

#for algo in ['plain', 'miser', 'vegas']:  # abs tol 0.01
#    show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",algo,
#    monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi],
#                         10^6, algorithm=algo))

show(r"""When I try to compute the Gaussian formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids.
if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t*(turnSpace=0),
then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function.

But when I introduce a space between the turns(turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the computation
of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !.
(comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils)

Where is the error ? in my computation ? in the monte_carlo_integral function ? in the Gauss formula ?""")
click to hide/show revision 3

Monte_carlo Integration and Gauss coil formula


When I try to compute the Gauss formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids. if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t(turnSpace=0), function, t*(turnSpace=0), then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() monte_carlo_integral() function. But if I introduce a space between the turns (turnSpace=10242*pi), (turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the calculation of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !. (comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils) Where is the error ? in my computation (most likely !)? in the monte_carlo_integral monte_carlo_integral function ?

with another software when integrating the function "turnsNumberNumDerivative(t,s)" turnsNumberNumDerivative(t, s) below between t=[0,12pi] t = [0, 12*pi] and s=[0,14pi] s = [0, 14*pi] do we find the integer value 42=6*7 $42=6*7$ +- Error with the integer value in the error range?

code on SageCell


assume(nt>0) ;assume(ns >0);
def addAxis(plt,textToPlt,xBound,yBound,zBound) :
    # add axis for real part
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += text3d("X", (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += text3d("Y", (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, zBound), color='red')
    plt += text3d("Z", (0,0, zBound), color='red')
    return plt

def RotateVector(V,anglesDic) :
    #rotation angle alpha around X axis 
    #rotation angle beta around Y axis 
    #rotation angle gamma around Z axis 
    Vx= (RotalphaX*V)
    Vxy= (RotbetaY*Vx)
    Vxyz= (RotgammaZ*Vxy)
    return vector(Vxyz)



xyBound=1.2 ;

gammat0 = vector(SR,[shiftXt+Rt*cos(t),shiftYt+Rt*sin(t),t*turnSpaceT]) #  in xy plane
gammas0 = vector(SR,[shiftXs+Rs*cos(s),shiftYs+Rs*sin(s),s*turnSpaceS]) 
gammas= RotateVector(gammas0,anglesDics)

show("gammat : \t " ,gammat)
show("gammas : \t " ,gammas)

# set here below the number n of coil turns of the blue solenoid)
# the radius Rt and the turns space turnSpaceT
tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:2*pi/512 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}

# change here below the number n of coil turns of the black solenoid)
# the radius Rs and the turns space turnSpaceS
sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:2*pi/512 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

# no space between spires then Monte Carlo integration OK
#tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:0 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}
#sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:0 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

show("gammat with coil's values : \t " ,gammat.subs(tDic))

show("gammas with coil's values : \t " ,gammas.subs(sDic))

# set the circles centers
textToPlt = text3d("Gauss turns number", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800)

plt=parametric_plot3d(gammat.subs(tDic), (0,nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi),color="blue",thickness=thck)
plt+=parametric_plot3d(gammas.subs(sDic), (0,ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi),color="grey",thickness=thck)


# here choose the integration function factor (integrationFactorFunction0 or integrationFactorFunction1)

M=matrix([ [ gammat.diff(t)[0],gammat.diff(t)[1],gammat.diff(t)[2] ],
         [ gammas.diff(s)[0],gammas.diff(s)[1],gammas.diff(s)[2] ],
         [(gammat[0]-gammas[0]), (gammat[1]-gammas[1]),(gammat[2]-gammas[2]) ] ])
precis=40 # precision approximation 
# solenoid with space turn length
show(LatexExpr(r"tLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_t′(t)^2 + y_t′(t)^2 + z_t′(t)^2 } dt \, \, \," +
              r"sLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_s′(t)^2 + y_s′(t)^2 + z_s′(t)^2 } dt "))

show(" ################ compute solenoid length ########################")
tLenDt=sqrt((M[0][0]^2 + M[0][1]^2 + M[0][2]^2).subs(tDic))
solenoidTLen=integrate(tLenDt, (t, 0, nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid T length : \t ",solenoidTLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidTLen.n(precis))

sLenDt=sqrt((M[1][0]^2 + M[1][1]^2 + M[1][2]^2).subs(sDic))
solenoidSLen=integrate(sLenDt, (s, 0, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid S length : \t ",solenoidSLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidSLen.n(precis))

show("matrix M :")
turnsNumber=integrationFactorFunction * M.det()

show("#####################                  turnsNumber                         #####################")


textToPlts = text3d("surface to sum", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800,transparency=0.5)

show("turns number fonction to integrate :",turnsNumberNumDerivative)
show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",
     monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi], 10^8))

#for algo in ['plain', 'miser', 'vegas']:  # abs tol 0.01
#    show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",algo,
#    monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi],
#                         10^6, algorithm=algo))

show(r"""When I try to compute the Gaussian formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids.
if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t*(turnSpace=0),
then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function.

But when I introduce a space between the turns(turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the computation
of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !.
(comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils)

Where is the error ? in my computation ? in the monte_carlo_integral function ? in the Gauss formula ?""")

Monte_carlo Integration and Gauss coil formula


When I try to compute the Gauss formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids. if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function, t*(turnSpace=0), then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function. But if I introduce a space between the turns (turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the calculation of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !. (comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils) Where is the error ? in my computation (most likely !)? in the monte_carlo_integral function ?

with another software when integrating the function turnsNumberNumDerivative(t, s) below between t = [0, 12*pi] and s = [0, 14*pi] do we find the integer value $42=6*7$ +- Error with the integer value in the error range?

code on SageCell


assume(nt>0) ;assume(ns >0);
def addAxis(plt,textToPlt,xBound,yBound,zBound) :
    # add axis for real part
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += text3d("X", (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += text3d("Y", (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, zBound), color='red')
    plt += text3d("Z", (0,0, zBound), color='red')
    return plt

def RotateVector(V,anglesDic) :
    #rotation angle alpha around X axis 
    #rotation angle beta around Y axis 
    #rotation angle gamma around Z axis 
    Vx= (RotalphaX*V)
    Vxy= (RotbetaY*Vx)
    Vxyz= (RotgammaZ*Vxy)
    return vector(Vxyz)



xyBound=1.2 ;

gammat0 = vector(SR,[shiftXt+Rt*cos(t),shiftYt+Rt*sin(t),t*turnSpaceT]) #  in xy plane
gammas0 = vector(SR,[shiftXs+Rs*cos(s),shiftYs+Rs*sin(s),s*turnSpaceS]) 
gammas= RotateVector(gammas0,anglesDics)

show("gammat : \t " ,gammat)
show("gammas : \t " ,gammas)

# set here below the number n of coil turns of the blue solenoid)
# the radius Rt and the turns space turnSpaceT
tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:2*pi/512 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}

# change here below the number n of coil turns of the black solenoid)
# the radius Rs and the turns space turnSpaceS
sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:2*pi/512 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

# no space between spires then Monte Carlo integration OK
#tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:0 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}
#sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:0 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

show("gammat with coil's values : \t " ,gammat.subs(tDic))

show("gammas with coil's values : \t " ,gammas.subs(sDic))

# set the circles centers
textToPlt = text3d("Gauss turns number", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800)

plt=parametric_plot3d(gammat.subs(tDic), (0,nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi),color="blue",thickness=thck)
plt+=parametric_plot3d(gammas.subs(sDic), (0,ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi),color="grey",thickness=thck)


# here choose the integration function factor (integrationFactorFunction0 or integrationFactorFunction1)

M=matrix([ [ gammat.diff(t)[0],gammat.diff(t)[1],gammat.diff(t)[2] ],
         [ gammas.diff(s)[0],gammas.diff(s)[1],gammas.diff(s)[2] ],
         [(gammat[0]-gammas[0]), (gammat[1]-gammas[1]),(gammat[2]-gammas[2]) ] ])
precis=40 # precision approximation 
# solenoid with space turn length
show(LatexExpr(r"tLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_t′(t)^2 + y_t′(t)^2 + z_t′(t)^2 } dt \, \, \," +
              r"sLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_s′(t)^2 + y_s′(t)^2 + z_s′(t)^2 } dt "))

show(" ################ compute solenoid length ########################")
tLenDt=sqrt((M[0][0]^2 + M[0][1]^2 + M[0][2]^2).subs(tDic))
solenoidTLen=integrate(tLenDt, (t, 0, nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid T length : \t ",solenoidTLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidTLen.n(precis))

sLenDt=sqrt((M[1][0]^2 + M[1][1]^2 + M[1][2]^2).subs(sDic))
solenoidSLen=integrate(sLenDt, (s, 0, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid S length : \t ",solenoidSLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidSLen.n(precis))

show("matrix M :")
turnsNumber=integrationFactorFunction * M.det()

show("#####################                  turnsNumber                         #####################")


textToPlts = text3d("surface to sum", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800,transparency=0.5)

show("turns number fonction to integrate :",turnsNumberNumDerivative)
show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",
     monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi], 10^8))

#for algo in ['plain', 'miser', 'vegas']:  # abs tol 0.01
#    show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",algo,
#    monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi],
#                         10^6, algorithm=algo))

show(r"""When I try to compute the Gaussian formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids.
if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t*(turnSpace=0),
then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function.

But when I introduce a space between the turns(turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the computation
of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !.
(comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils)

Where is the error ? in my computation ? in the monte_carlo_integral function ? in the Gauss formula ?""")


-((sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)(pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))cos(t)) - (pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))cos(t))(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s) - 1024sqrt(3)sin(s)) - 1228.80000000000((sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) - (sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)))sin(t))/(pi(4(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))^2 + (sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)^2 + (sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t))^2)^(3/2))

Monte_carlo Integration and Gauss coil formula


When I try to compute the Gauss formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids. if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function, t*(turnSpace=0), then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function. But if I introduce a space between the turns (turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the calculation of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !. (comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils) Where is the error ? in my computation (most likely !)? in the monte_carlo_integral function ?

with another software when integrating the function turnsNumberNumDerivative(t, s) below between t = [0, 12*pi] and s = [0, 14*pi] do we find the integer value $42=6*7$ +- Error with the integer value in the error range?

code on SageCell


assume(nt>0) ;assume(ns >0);
def addAxis(plt,textToPlt,xBound,yBound,zBound) :
    # add axis for real part
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += text3d("X", (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += text3d("Y", (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, zBound), color='red')
    plt += text3d("Z", (0,0, zBound), color='red')
    return plt

def RotateVector(V,anglesDic) :
    #rotation angle alpha around X axis 
    #rotation angle beta around Y axis 
    #rotation angle gamma around Z axis 
    Vx= (RotalphaX*V)
    Vxy= (RotbetaY*Vx)
    Vxyz= (RotgammaZ*Vxy)
    return vector(Vxyz)



xyBound=1.2 ;

gammat0 = vector(SR,[shiftXt+Rt*cos(t),shiftYt+Rt*sin(t),t*turnSpaceT]) #  in xy plane
gammas0 = vector(SR,[shiftXs+Rs*cos(s),shiftYs+Rs*sin(s),s*turnSpaceS]) 
gammas= RotateVector(gammas0,anglesDics)

show("gammat : \t " ,gammat)
show("gammas : \t " ,gammas)

# set here below the number n of coil turns of the blue solenoid)
# the radius Rt and the turns space turnSpaceT
tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:2*pi/512 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}

# change here below the number n of coil turns of the black solenoid)
# the radius Rs and the turns space turnSpaceS
sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:2*pi/512 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

# no space between spires then Monte Carlo integration OK
#tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:0 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}
#sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:0 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

show("gammat with coil's values : \t " ,gammat.subs(tDic))

show("gammas with coil's values : \t " ,gammas.subs(sDic))

# set the circles centers
textToPlt = text3d("Gauss turns number", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800)

plt=parametric_plot3d(gammat.subs(tDic), (0,nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi),color="blue",thickness=thck)
plt+=parametric_plot3d(gammas.subs(sDic), (0,ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi),color="grey",thickness=thck)


# here choose the integration function factor (integrationFactorFunction0 or integrationFactorFunction1)

M=matrix([ [ gammat.diff(t)[0],gammat.diff(t)[1],gammat.diff(t)[2] ],
         [ gammas.diff(s)[0],gammas.diff(s)[1],gammas.diff(s)[2] ],
         [(gammat[0]-gammas[0]), (gammat[1]-gammas[1]),(gammat[2]-gammas[2]) ] ])
precis=40 # precision approximation 
# solenoid with space turn length
show(LatexExpr(r"tLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_t′(t)^2 + y_t′(t)^2 + z_t′(t)^2 } dt \, \, \," +
              r"sLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_s′(t)^2 + y_s′(t)^2 + z_s′(t)^2 } dt "))

show(" ################ compute solenoid length ########################")
tLenDt=sqrt((M[0][0]^2 + M[0][1]^2 + M[0][2]^2).subs(tDic))
solenoidTLen=integrate(tLenDt, (t, 0, nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid T length : \t ",solenoidTLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidTLen.n(precis))

sLenDt=sqrt((M[1][0]^2 + M[1][1]^2 + M[1][2]^2).subs(sDic))
solenoidSLen=integrate(sLenDt, (s, 0, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid S length : \t ",solenoidSLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidSLen.n(precis))

show("matrix M :")
turnsNumber=integrationFactorFunction * M.det()

show("#####################                  turnsNumber                         #####################")


textToPlts = text3d("surface to sum", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800,transparency=0.5)

show("turns number fonction to integrate :",turnsNumberNumDerivative)
show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",
     monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi], 10^8))

#for algo in ['plain', 'miser', 'vegas']:  # abs tol 0.01
#    show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",algo,
#    monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi],
#                         10^6, algorithm=algo))

show(r"""When I try to compute the Gaussian formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids.
if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t*(turnSpace=0),
then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function.

But when I introduce a space between the turns(turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the computation
of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !.
(comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils)

Where is the error ? in my computation ? in the monte_carlo_integral function ? in the Gauss formula ?""")


-((sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)(pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))cos(t)) - (pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))cos(t))(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s) - 1024sqrt(3)sin(s)) - 1228.80000000000((sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) - (sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)))sin(t))/(pi(4(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))^2 + (sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)^2 + (sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t))^2)^(3/2))

Monte_carlo Integration and Gauss coil formula


When I try to compute the Gauss formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids. if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function, t*(turnSpace=0), then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function. But if I introduce a space between the turns (turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the calculation of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !. (comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils) Where is the error ? in my computation (most likely !)? in the monte_carlo_integral function ?

with another software when integrating the function turnsNumberNumDerivative(t, s) below between t = [0, 12*pi] and s = [0, 14*pi] do we find the integer value $42=6*7$ +- Error with the integer value in the error range?

code on SageCell

turnsNumberNumDerivative(t,s)= -((sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)(pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))cos(t)) - (pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))cos(t))(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s) - 1024sqrt(3)sin(s)) - 1228.80000000000((sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) - (sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)))sin(t))/(pi(4(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))^2 + (sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)^2 + (sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t))^2)^(3/2))


assume(nt>0) ;assume(ns >0);
def addAxis(plt,textToPlt,xBound,yBound,zBound) :
    # add axis for real part
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += text3d("X", (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += text3d("Y", (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, zBound), color='red')
    plt += text3d("Z", (0,0, zBound), color='red')
    return plt

def RotateVector(V,anglesDic) :
    #rotation angle alpha around X axis 
    #rotation angle beta around Y axis 
    #rotation angle gamma around Z axis 
    Vx= (RotalphaX*V)
    Vxy= (RotbetaY*Vx)
    Vxyz= (RotgammaZ*Vxy)
    return vector(Vxyz)



xyBound=1.2 ;

gammat0 = vector(SR,[shiftXt+Rt*cos(t),shiftYt+Rt*sin(t),t*turnSpaceT]) #  in xy plane
gammas0 = vector(SR,[shiftXs+Rs*cos(s),shiftYs+Rs*sin(s),s*turnSpaceS]) 
gammas= RotateVector(gammas0,anglesDics)

show("gammat : \t " ,gammat)
show("gammas : \t " ,gammas)

# set here below the number n of coil turns of the blue solenoid)
# the radius Rt and the turns space turnSpaceT
tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:2*pi/512 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}

# change here below the number n of coil turns of the black solenoid)
# the radius Rs and the turns space turnSpaceS
sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:2*pi/512 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

# no space between spires then Monte Carlo integration OK
#tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:0 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}
#sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:0 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

show("gammat with coil's values : \t " ,gammat.subs(tDic))

show("gammas with coil's values : \t " ,gammas.subs(sDic))

# set the circles centers
textToPlt = text3d("Gauss turns number", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800)

plt=parametric_plot3d(gammat.subs(tDic), (0,nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi),color="blue",thickness=thck)
plt+=parametric_plot3d(gammas.subs(sDic), (0,ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi),color="grey",thickness=thck)


# here choose the integration function factor (integrationFactorFunction0 or integrationFactorFunction1)

M=matrix([ [ gammat.diff(t)[0],gammat.diff(t)[1],gammat.diff(t)[2] ],
         [ gammas.diff(s)[0],gammas.diff(s)[1],gammas.diff(s)[2] ],
         [(gammat[0]-gammas[0]), (gammat[1]-gammas[1]),(gammat[2]-gammas[2]) ] ])
precis=40 # precision approximation 
# solenoid with space turn length
show(LatexExpr(r"tLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_t′(t)^2 + y_t′(t)^2 + z_t′(t)^2 } dt \, \, \," +
              r"sLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_s′(t)^2 + y_s′(t)^2 + z_s′(t)^2 } dt "))

show(" ################ compute solenoid length ########################")
tLenDt=sqrt((M[0][0]^2 + M[0][1]^2 + M[0][2]^2).subs(tDic))
solenoidTLen=integrate(tLenDt, (t, 0, nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid T length : \t ",solenoidTLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidTLen.n(precis))

sLenDt=sqrt((M[1][0]^2 + M[1][1]^2 + M[1][2]^2).subs(sDic))
solenoidSLen=integrate(sLenDt, (s, 0, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid S length : \t ",solenoidSLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidSLen.n(precis))

show("matrix M :")
turnsNumber=integrationFactorFunction * M.det()

show("#####################                  turnsNumber                         #####################")


textToPlts = text3d("surface to sum", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800,transparency=0.5)

show("turns number fonction to integrate :",turnsNumberNumDerivative)
show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",
     monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi], 10^8))

#for algo in ['plain', 'miser', 'vegas']:  # abs tol 0.01
#    show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",algo,
#    monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi],
#                         10^6, algorithm=algo))

show(r"""When I try to compute the Gaussian formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids.
if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t*(turnSpace=0),
then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function.

But when I introduce a space between the turns(turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the computation
of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !.
(comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils)

Where is the error ? in my computation ? in the monte_carlo_integral function ? in the Gauss formula ?""")


-((sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)(pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))cos(t)) - (pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))cos(t))(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s) - 1024sqrt(3)sin(s)) - 1228.80000000000((sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) - (sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)))sin(t))/(pi(4(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))^2 + (sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)^2 + (sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t))^2)^(3/2))

Monte_carlo Integration and Gauss coil formula


When I try to compute the Gauss formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids. if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function, t*(turnSpace=0), then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function. But if I introduce a space between the turns (turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the calculation of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !. (comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils) Where is the error ? in my computation (most likely !)? in the monte_carlo_integral function ?

with another software when integrating the function turnsNumberNumDerivative(t, s) below between t = [0, 12*pi] and s = [0, 14*pi] do we find the integer value $42=6*7$ +- Error with the integer value in the error range?

code on SageCell

turnsNumberNumDerivative(t,s)= -((sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)(pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))cos(t)) - (pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))cos(t))(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s) - 1024sqrt(3)sin(s)) - 1228.80000000000((sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) - (sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)))sin(t))/(pi(4(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))^2 + (sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)^2 + (sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t))^2)^(3/2))


assume(nt>0) ;assume(ns >0);
def addAxis(plt,textToPlt,xBound,yBound,zBound) :
    # add axis for real part
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += text3d("X", (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += text3d("Y", (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, zBound), color='red')
    plt += text3d("Z", (0,0, zBound), color='red')
    return plt

def RotateVector(V,anglesDic) :
    #rotation angle alpha around X axis 
    #rotation angle beta around Y axis 
    #rotation angle gamma around Z axis 
    Vx= (RotalphaX*V)
    Vxy= (RotbetaY*Vx)
    Vxyz= (RotgammaZ*Vxy)
    return vector(Vxyz)



xyBound=1.2 ;

gammat0 = vector(SR,[shiftXt+Rt*cos(t),shiftYt+Rt*sin(t),t*turnSpaceT]) #  in xy plane
gammas0 = vector(SR,[shiftXs+Rs*cos(s),shiftYs+Rs*sin(s),s*turnSpaceS]) 
gammas= RotateVector(gammas0,anglesDics)

show("gammat : \t " ,gammat)
show("gammas : \t " ,gammas)

# set here below the number n of coil turns of the blue solenoid)
# the radius Rt and the turns space turnSpaceT
tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:2*pi/512 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}

# change here below the number n of coil turns of the black solenoid)
# the radius Rs and the turns space turnSpaceS
sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:2*pi/512 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

# no space between spires then Monte Carlo integration OK
#tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:0 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}
#sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:0 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

show("gammat with coil's values : \t " ,gammat.subs(tDic))

show("gammas with coil's values : \t " ,gammas.subs(sDic))

# set the circles centers
textToPlt = text3d("Gauss turns number", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800)

plt=parametric_plot3d(gammat.subs(tDic), (0,nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi),color="blue",thickness=thck)
plt+=parametric_plot3d(gammas.subs(sDic), (0,ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi),color="grey",thickness=thck)


# here choose the integration function factor (integrationFactorFunction0 or integrationFactorFunction1)

M=matrix([ [ gammat.diff(t)[0],gammat.diff(t)[1],gammat.diff(t)[2] ],
         [ gammas.diff(s)[0],gammas.diff(s)[1],gammas.diff(s)[2] ],
         [(gammat[0]-gammas[0]), (gammat[1]-gammas[1]),(gammat[2]-gammas[2]) ] ])
precis=40 # precision approximation 
# solenoid with space turn length
show(LatexExpr(r"tLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_t′(t)^2 + y_t′(t)^2 + z_t′(t)^2 } dt \, \, \," +
              r"sLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_s′(t)^2 + y_s′(t)^2 + z_s′(t)^2 } dt "))

show(" ################ compute solenoid length ########################")
tLenDt=sqrt((M[0][0]^2 + M[0][1]^2 + M[0][2]^2).subs(tDic))
solenoidTLen=integrate(tLenDt, (t, 0, nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid T length : \t ",solenoidTLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidTLen.n(precis))

sLenDt=sqrt((M[1][0]^2 + M[1][1]^2 + M[1][2]^2).subs(sDic))
solenoidSLen=integrate(sLenDt, (s, 0, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid S length : \t ",solenoidSLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidSLen.n(precis))

show("matrix M :")
turnsNumber=integrationFactorFunction * M.det()

show("#####################                  turnsNumber                         #####################")


textToPlts = text3d("surface to sum", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800,transparency=0.5)

show("turns number fonction to integrate :",turnsNumberNumDerivative)
show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",
     monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi], 10^8))

#for algo in ['plain', 'miser', 'vegas']:  # abs tol 0.01
#    show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",algo,
#    monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi],
#                         10^6, algorithm=algo))

show(r"""When I try to compute the Gaussian formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids.
if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t*(turnSpace=0),
then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function.

But when I introduce a space between the turns(turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the computation
of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !.
(comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils)

Where is the error ? in my computation ? in the monte_carlo_integral function ? in the Gauss formula ?""")

Monte_carlo Integration and Gauss coil formula


When I try to compute the Gauss formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids. if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function, t*(turnSpace=0), then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function. But if I introduce a space between the turns (turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the calculation of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !. (comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils) Where is the error ? in my computation (most likely !)? in the monte_carlo_integral function ?

with another software when integrating the function turnsNumberNumDerivative(t, s) below between t = [0, 12*pi] and s = [0, 14*pi] do we find the integer value $42=6*7$ +- Error with the integer value in the error range?

code on SageCell

turnsNumberNumDerivative(t,s)=-((sqrt(2)*pi*s + 1024*sqrt(3)*cos(s) - 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s) - 2457.6 *cos(t) - 1024)*(pi*(sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2)*pi - 512*sqrt(2)*cos(s)) + 1024*sin(s)) + 1228.8 *(sqrt(2)*pi + 512*sqrt(2)*cos(s))*cos(t)) - (pi*(sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2)*pi*s - 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s)) - 1024*cos(s) + 2457.6 *sin(t)) + 1228.8 *(sqrt(2)*pi*s - 2*pi*t + 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s))*cos(t))*(sqrt(2)*pi - 512*sqrt(2)*cos(s) - 1024*sqrt(3)*sin(s)) - 1228.8 *((sqrt(2)*pi + 512*sqrt(2)*cos(s))*(sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2)*pi*s - 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s)) - 1024*cos(s) + 2457.6 *sin(t)) - (sqrt(2)*pi*s - 2*pi*t + 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s))*(sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2)*pi - 512*sqrt(2)*cos(s)) + 1024*sin(s)))*sin(t))/(pi*(4*(sqrt(2)*pi*s - 2*pi*t + 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s))^2 + (sqrt(2)*pi*s + 1024*sqrt(3)*cos(s) - 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s) - 2457.6 *cos(t) - 1024)^2 + (sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2)*pi*s - 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s)) - 1024*cos(s) + 2457.6 *sin(t))^2)^(3/2))

turnsNumberNumDerivative(t,s)= -((sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)(pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))cos(t)) - (pi(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) + 1228.80000000000(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))cos(t))(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s) - 1024sqrt(3)sin(s)) - 1228.80000000000((sqrt(2)pi + 512sqrt(2)cos(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t)) - (sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))(sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pi - 512sqrt(2)cos(s)) + 1024sin(s)))sin(t))/(pi(4(sqrt(2)pis - 2pit + 512sqrt(2)sin(s))^2 + (sqrt(2)pis + 1024sqrt(3)cos(s) - 512sqrt(2)sin(s) - 2457.60000000000cos(t) - 1024)^2 + (sqrt(3)(sqrt(2)pis - 512sqrt(2)sin(s)) - 1024cos(s) + 2457.60000000000sin(t))^2)^(3/2))new attempt to code button is now ok ;-), it seems I had to supress 00000000


assume(nt>0) ;assume(ns >0);
def addAxis(plt,textToPlt,xBound,yBound,zBound) :
    # add axis for real part
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += text3d("X", (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += text3d("Y", (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, zBound), color='red')
    plt += text3d("Z", (0,0, zBound), color='red')
    return plt

def RotateVector(V,anglesDic) :
    #rotation angle alpha around X axis 
    #rotation angle beta around Y axis 
    #rotation angle gamma around Z axis 
    Vx= (RotalphaX*V)
    Vxy= (RotbetaY*Vx)
    Vxyz= (RotgammaZ*Vxy)
    return vector(Vxyz)



xyBound=1.2 ;

gammat0 = vector(SR,[shiftXt+Rt*cos(t),shiftYt+Rt*sin(t),t*turnSpaceT]) #  in xy plane
gammas0 = vector(SR,[shiftXs+Rs*cos(s),shiftYs+Rs*sin(s),s*turnSpaceS]) 
gammas= RotateVector(gammas0,anglesDics)

show("gammat : \t " ,gammat)
show("gammas : \t " ,gammas)

# set here below the number n of coil turns of the blue solenoid)
# the radius Rt and the turns space turnSpaceT
tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:2*pi/512 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}

# change here below the number n of coil turns of the black solenoid)
# the radius Rs and the turns space turnSpaceS
sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:2*pi/512 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

# no space between spires then Monte Carlo integration OK
#tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:0 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}
#sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:0 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

show("gammat with coil's values : \t " ,gammat.subs(tDic))

show("gammas with coil's values : \t " ,gammas.subs(sDic))

# set the circles centers
textToPlt = text3d("Gauss turns number", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800)

plt=parametric_plot3d(gammat.subs(tDic), (0,nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi),color="blue",thickness=thck)
plt+=parametric_plot3d(gammas.subs(sDic), (0,ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi),color="grey",thickness=thck)


# here choose the integration function factor (integrationFactorFunction0 or integrationFactorFunction1)

M=matrix([ [ gammat.diff(t)[0],gammat.diff(t)[1],gammat.diff(t)[2] ],
         [ gammas.diff(s)[0],gammas.diff(s)[1],gammas.diff(s)[2] ],
         [(gammat[0]-gammas[0]), (gammat[1]-gammas[1]),(gammat[2]-gammas[2]) ] ])
precis=40 # precision approximation 
# solenoid with space turn length
show(LatexExpr(r"tLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_t′(t)^2 + y_t′(t)^2 + z_t′(t)^2 } dt \, \, \," +
              r"sLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_s′(t)^2 + y_s′(t)^2 + z_s′(t)^2 } dt "))

show(" ################ compute solenoid length ########################")
tLenDt=sqrt((M[0][0]^2 + M[0][1]^2 + M[0][2]^2).subs(tDic))
solenoidTLen=integrate(tLenDt, (t, 0, nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid T length : \t ",solenoidTLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidTLen.n(precis))

sLenDt=sqrt((M[1][0]^2 + M[1][1]^2 + M[1][2]^2).subs(sDic))
solenoidSLen=integrate(sLenDt, (s, 0, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid S length : \t ",solenoidSLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidSLen.n(precis))

show("matrix M :")
turnsNumber=integrationFactorFunction * M.det()

show("#####################                  turnsNumber                         #####################")


textToPlts = text3d("surface to sum", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800,transparency=0.5)

show("turns number fonction to integrate :",turnsNumberNumDerivative)
show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",
     monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi], 10^8))

#for algo in ['plain', 'miser', 'vegas']:  # abs tol 0.01
#    show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",algo,
#    monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi],
#                         10^6, algorithm=algo))

show(r"""When I try to compute the Gaussian formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids.
if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t*(turnSpace=0),
then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function.

But when I introduce a space between the turns(turnSpace=1024*2*pi), then appears an error in the computation
of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !.
(comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils)

Where is the error ? in my computation ? in the monte_carlo_integral function ? in the Gauss formula ?""")

Monte_carlo Integration and Gauss coil formula


When I try to compute the Gauss formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids. if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function, t*(turnSpace=0), then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function. But if I introduce a space between the turns (turnSpace=1024*2*piturnSpace=2*pi/1024), then appears an error in the calculation of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !. (comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils) Where is the error ? in my computation (most likely !)? in the monte_carlo_integral function ?

with another software when integrating the function turnsNumberNumDerivative(t, s) below between t = [0, 12*pi] and s = [0, 14*pi] do we find the integer value $42=6*7$ +- Error with the integer value in the error range?

code on SageCell

turnsNumberNumDerivative(t,s)=-((sqrt(2)*pi*s + 1024*sqrt(3)*cos(s) - 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s) - 2457.6 *cos(t) - 1024)*(pi*(sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2)*pi - 512*sqrt(2)*cos(s)) + 1024*sin(s)) + 1228.8 *(sqrt(2)*pi + 512*sqrt(2)*cos(s))*cos(t)) - (pi*(sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2)*pi*s - 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s)) - 1024*cos(s) + 2457.6 *sin(t)) + 1228.8 *(sqrt(2)*pi*s - 2*pi*t + 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s))*cos(t))*(sqrt(2)*pi - 512*sqrt(2)*cos(s) - 1024*sqrt(3)*sin(s)) - 1228.8 *((sqrt(2)*pi + 512*sqrt(2)*cos(s))*(sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2)*pi*s - 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s)) - 1024*cos(s) + 2457.6 *sin(t)) - (sqrt(2)*pi*s - 2*pi*t + 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s))*(sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2)*pi - 512*sqrt(2)*cos(s)) + 1024*sin(s)))*sin(t))/(pi*(4*(sqrt(2)*pi*s - 2*pi*t + 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s))^2 + (sqrt(2)*pi*s + 1024*sqrt(3)*cos(s) - 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s) - 2457.6 *cos(t) - 1024)^2 + (sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2)*pi*s - 512*sqrt(2)*sin(s)) - 1024*cos(s) + 2457.6 *sin(t))^2)^(3/2))

new attempt to code button is now ok ;-), it seems I had to supress 00000000


assume(nt>0) ;assume(ns >0);
def addAxis(plt,textToPlt,xBound,yBound,zBound) :
    # add axis for real part
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += text3d("X", (xBound, 0, 0), color='blue')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += text3d("Y", (0, yBound, 0), color='green')
    plt += arrow3d((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, zBound), color='red')
    plt += text3d("Z", (0,0, zBound), color='red')
    return plt

def RotateVector(V,anglesDic) :
    #rotation angle alpha around X axis 
    #rotation angle beta around Y axis 
    #rotation angle gamma around Z axis 
    Vx= (RotalphaX*V)
    Vxy= (RotbetaY*Vx)
    Vxyz= (RotgammaZ*Vxy)
    return vector(Vxyz)



xyBound=1.2 ;

gammat0 = vector(SR,[shiftXt+Rt*cos(t),shiftYt+Rt*sin(t),t*turnSpaceT]) #  in xy plane
gammas0 = vector(SR,[shiftXs+Rs*cos(s),shiftYs+Rs*sin(s),s*turnSpaceS]) 
gammas= RotateVector(gammas0,anglesDics)

show("gammat : \t " ,gammat)
show("gammas : \t " ,gammas)

# set here below the number n of coil turns of the blue solenoid)
# the radius Rt and the turns space turnSpaceT
tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:2*pi/512 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}

# change here below the number n of coil turns of the black solenoid)
# the radius Rs and the turns space turnSpaceS
sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:2*pi/512 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

# no space between spires then Monte Carlo integration OK
#tDic={nt:6 , Rt:1 , turnSpaceT:0 , shiftXt:1/2 , shiftYt:0 , shiftZt:0}
#sDic={ns:7 , Rs:1 , turnSpaceS:0 , shiftXs:0 , shiftYs:0 ,shiftZs:0}

show("gammat with coil's values : \t " ,gammat.subs(tDic))

show("gammas with coil's values : \t " ,gammas.subs(sDic))

# set the circles centers
textToPlt = text3d("Gauss turns number", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800)

plt=parametric_plot3d(gammat.subs(tDic), (0,nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi),color="blue",thickness=thck)
plt+=parametric_plot3d(gammas.subs(sDic), (0,ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi),color="grey",thickness=thck)


# here choose the integration function factor (integrationFactorFunction0 or integrationFactorFunction1)

M=matrix([ [ gammat.diff(t)[0],gammat.diff(t)[1],gammat.diff(t)[2] ],
         [ gammas.diff(s)[0],gammas.diff(s)[1],gammas.diff(s)[2] ],
         [(gammat[0]-gammas[0]), (gammat[1]-gammas[1]),(gammat[2]-gammas[2]) ] ])
precis=40 # precision approximation 
# solenoid with space turn length
show(LatexExpr(r"tLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_t′(t)^2 + y_t′(t)^2 + z_t′(t)^2 } dt \, \, \," +
              r"sLen=\int^{b}_{a} \sqrt{ x_s′(t)^2 + y_s′(t)^2 + z_s′(t)^2 } dt "))

show(" ################ compute solenoid length ########################")
tLenDt=sqrt((M[0][0]^2 + M[0][1]^2 + M[0][2]^2).subs(tDic))
solenoidTLen=integrate(tLenDt, (t, 0, nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid T length : \t ",solenoidTLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidTLen.n(precis))

sLenDt=sqrt((M[1][0]^2 + M[1][1]^2 + M[1][2]^2).subs(sDic))
solenoidSLen=integrate(sLenDt, (s, 0, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi ) ) 
show("solenoid S length : \t ",solenoidSLen, " \t numerical value : \t ",solenoidSLen.n(precis))

show("matrix M :")
turnsNumber=integrationFactorFunction * M.det()

show("#####################                  turnsNumber                         #####################")


textToPlts = text3d("surface to sum", (xyBound, xyBound, xyBound), fontsize='300%', fontweight=800,transparency=0.5)

show("turns number fonction to integrate :",turnsNumberNumDerivative)
show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",
     monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi], 10^8))

#for algo in ['plain', 'miser', 'vegas']:  # abs tol 0.01
#    show("rough monte_carlo integral approximation : \t",algo,
#    monte_carlo_integral(turnsNumberNumDerivative(x=t,y=s), [0,0], [ nt.subs(tDic)*2*pi, ns.subs(sDic)*2*pi],
#                         10^6, algorithm=algo))

show(r"""When I try to compute the Gaussian formula to calculate the number of turn's wraps between two solenoids.
if I don't put spaces between the turns (here a linear function,t*(turnSpace=0),
then the Integer value is inside the error range of the monte_carlo_integral() function.

But when I introduce a space between the turns(turnSpace=1024*2*pi), turns(turnSpace=2*pi/1024), then appears an error in the computation
of the Monte Carlo integral value which is out of the error range !.
(comment lines 61 and 62 to introduce a space between the turns of both coils)

Where is the error ? in my computation ? in the monte_carlo_integral function ? in the Gauss formula ?""")