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Memory problem of symmetric groups

In my program I need to use all elements of a symmetric group $S_n$. In the case of $n=15$, it is said that there is memory problem. I sent the codes to a computer cluster and obtained the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/fs71797/lij21/", line 3426, in <module>
  File "/home/fs71797/lij21/", line 74, in ChTUsingKLPolynomialInSage

My code is as follows:


with Pool() as p: below action to as many cores as available
    bb = p.starmap(ChTUsingKLPolynomialInSageHalf,[(k,l[i],w0,w,W,T1) for i in range(len(l))])

W is $S_n$. I do not need to store list(W) but only need to take every element of list(W). Is there some way to solve this memory problem? Thank you very much.

Memory problem of symmetric groups

In my program I need to use all elements of a symmetric group $S_n$. In the case of $n=15$, it is said that there is memory problem. I sent the codes to a computer cluster and obtained the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/fs71797/lij21/", line 3426, in <module>
  File "/home/fs71797/lij21/", line 74, in ChTUsingKLPolynomialInSage

My code is as follows:


with Pool() as p: below action to as many cores as available
    bb = p.starmap(ChTUsingKLPolynomialInSageHalf,[(k,l[i],w0,w,W,T1) for i in range(len(l))])

W is $S_n$. I do not need to store list(W) but only need to take every element of list(W).

The slurm script I used is as follows:


#SBATCH -n 48
#SBATCH -N 1  
#SBATCH -t 3-0:00  
#SBATCH --mem=96000  
#SBATCH -o clusterGr49.o  
#SBATCH -e clusterGr49.e  
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL  

module load sage
sage chTGr49.sage

Is there some way to solve this memory problem? Thank you very much.

Memory problem of symmetric groups

In my program I need to use all elements of a symmetric group $S_n$. In the case of $n=15$, it is said that there is memory problem. I sent the codes to a computer cluster and obtained the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/fs71797/lij21/", line 3426, in <module>
  File "/home/fs71797/lij21/", line 74, in ChTUsingKLPolynomialInSage

My code is as follows:


with Pool() as p: below action to as many cores as available
    bb = p.starmap(ChTUsingKLPolynomialInSageHalf,[(k,l[i],w0,w,W,T1) for i in range(len(l))])

W is $S_n$. I do not need to store list(W) but only need to take every element of list(W).

The slurm script I used is as follows:


#SBATCH -n 48
#SBATCH -N 1  
#SBATCH -t 3-0:00  
#SBATCH --mem=96000  
#SBATCH -o clusterGr49.o  
#SBATCH -e clusterGr49.e  
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL  

module load sage
sage chTGr49.sage

Is there some way to solve this memory problem? Thank you very much.