Hello there, I have been trying to upgrade my Savemath dev version from 9.5.rc4 to 9.6.rc4 with the upgrade option. it seems like the option isn't available.. when I run ./sage --help it says use the --upgrade version but it doesn't work. Is there another way to get from 9.5.rc4 to 9.6.rc4? Below is a short transcript of what I did:
user@debian-s01a:~/sage-9.5.rc4$ ./sage --upgrade 9.6.rc4
resonse: Error: unknown option: --upgrade.
user@debian-s01a:~/sage-9.5.rc4$ ./sage --help
shortened response:--upgrade [version] -- download, build and install the given version. Here,
'version' is a git branch or tag name. Useful values
are 'master' (the current development version, this
is the default) or a version number like '5.13'.
user@debian-s01a:~/sage-9.5.rc4$ ./sage --upgrade 9.6.rc4
response: Error: unknown option: --upgrade.