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How to measure clock cycles for a particular operation

How to measure clock cycles in the following matrix multiplication?

A = zero_matrix(ZZ,100)

B = zero_matrix(ZZ,100)

for i in range(100):

for j in range(100):

  A[i,j] = ZZ.random_element(1000)

  B[i,j] = ZZ.random_element(1000)


How to measure clock cycles for a particular operation

How to measure clock cycles in the following matrix multiplication?

A = zero_matrix(ZZ,100)

zero_matrix(ZZ,100) B = zero_matrix(ZZ,100)

zero_matrix(ZZ,100) for i in range(100):


for j in range(100):

 A[i,j]       A[i, j] = ZZ.random_element(1000)
  B[i,j]       B[i, j] = ZZ.random_element(1000)
C = A * B