I try to compile SageMath, but fail for one SPKG : linbox-1.6.3.p1
OS: Archlinux x86_64 Kernel: 5.14.16-arch1-1 Version of SageMath: Trying to compile it ! I made a clone of github repo with : git clone -c core.symlinks=true --branch master https:// github.com/sagemath/sage.git
I checked prerequisites packages on my system by copy-pasting
I have all of: GNU make, GNU m4, perl (including ExtUtils::MakeMaker), ranlib, git, tar, bc
I made a git checkout origin/develop :
``` git branch
* (HEAD detached at origin/develop)
master ```
I tried to install origin/master version of SageMath. I tried to install linbox with pacman and ./configure && make
without success.
Here is the log of linbox error : [https] file.io/TkWj3WDuo1kO