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asked 3 years ago

ErWinz gravatar image

storing .ipynb in different folders


i use jupyter notebook for my Sagemath activities

for the moment, i am obliged to store all my .ipynb in the same folder : the one that Sagemaths knows and opens by default when i launch it

very more praticable would be the possibility to store my .ipynb files in the folders of the docs they refer to

for example, in my folder "integration" i have my maths… it would be fine to have my .ipynb related to integration there

of course,i could store aliases in my folders but that wouldn't solve the problem because when exporting to html i would have to navigate in the arborescence of my harddirve (the .html resulting for an export from .ipynb have vocation to be in the different folders, "integration" etc

all my maths folders are ftp-synchronized ; that's the beginning of a web site

link text

i tried some other apps thant jupyter notebook :

link text

if you think to a solution that works i am interested :-)


click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

storing .ipynb in different folders


i use jupyter notebook for my Sagemath activities

for the moment, i am obliged to store all my .ipynb in the same folder : the one that Sagemaths knows and opens by default when i launch it

very more praticable would be the possibility to store my .ipynb files in the folders of the docs they refer to

for example, in my folder "integration" i have my maths… it would be fine to have my .ipynb related to integration there

of course,i could store aliases in my folders but that wouldn't solve the problem because when exporting to html i would have to navigate in the arborescence of my harddirve (the .html resulting for an export from .ipynb have vocation to be in the different folders, "integration" etc

all my maths folders are ftp-synchronized ; that's the beginning of a web site

link text

i tried some other apps thant jupyter notebook :

link text

if you think to a solution that works i am interested :-)
