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efficient generation of unitary divisors

A divisor $d\mid n$ is called unitary if its coprime with its cofactor, i.e. $\gcd(d,\frac{n}d)=1$. Since for each prime power $p^k\| n$, we either have $p^k\|d$ or $p\nmid n$, which lead to the following seemingly-efficient code to generate all unitary divisors:

def unitary_divisors1(n):
    return sorted( prod(p^d for p,d in f) for f in Subsets(factor(n)) )

For comparison, the naive approach by filtering the divisors of $n$ would be:

def unitary_divisors2(n):
    return [d for d in divisors(n) if gcd(d,n//d)==1]

While from theoretical perspective, unitary_divisors1(n) is much more efficient than unitary_divisors2(n) for "powerful" numbers $n$, unitary_divisors1(n) loses badly to unitary_divisors2(n) when $n$ is square-free (in which case every divisor of $n$ is unitary):

sage: N = prod(nth_prime(i) for i in (1..20))   

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors1(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 26.8 s, sys: 64 ms, total: 26.9 s
Wall time: 26.9 s

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors2(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 672 ms, sys: 16 ms, total: 688 ms
Wall time: 688 ms

In this example with N being the product of first 20 primes, unitary_divisors1(N) is over 40 times slower than unitary_divisors2(N).

Is there a way to generate unitary divisors that works with efficiency close to divisors(n) when $n$ is squarefree, and takes advantage of the known structure of unitary divisors (ie. works efficiently for powerful numbers $n$)?

efficient generation of unitary divisors

A divisor $d\mid n$ is called unitary if its it is coprime with to its cofactor, i.e. $\gcd(d,\frac{n}d)=1$. Since for each prime power $p^k\| n$, we either have $p^k\|d$ or $p\nmid n$, which lead to the following seemingly-efficient code to generate all unitary divisors:

def unitary_divisors1(n):
    return sorted( prod(p^d for p,d in f) for f in Subsets(factor(n)) )

For comparison, the naive approach by filtering the divisors of $n$ would be:

def unitary_divisors2(n):
    return [d for d in divisors(n) if gcd(d,n//d)==1]

While from theoretical perspective, unitary_divisors1(n) is much more efficient than unitary_divisors2(n) for "powerful" numbers $n$, unitary_divisors1(n) loses badly to unitary_divisors2(n) when $n$ is square-free (in which case every divisor of $n$ is unitary):

sage: N = prod(nth_prime(i) for i in (1..20))   

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors1(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 26.8 s, sys: 64 ms, total: 26.9 s
Wall time: 26.9 s

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors2(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 672 ms, sys: 16 ms, total: 688 ms
Wall time: 688 ms

In this example with N being the product of first 20 primes, unitary_divisors1(N) is over 40 times slower than unitary_divisors2(N).

Is there a way to generate unitary divisors that works with efficiency close to divisors(n) when $n$ is squarefree, and takes advantage of the known structure of unitary divisors (ie. works efficiently for powerful numbers $n$)?

efficient generation of unitary divisors

A divisor $d\mid n$ is called unitary if it is coprime to its cofactor, i.e. $\gcd(d,\frac{n}d)=1$. Since for each prime power $p^k\| n$, we either have $p^k\|d$ or $p\nmid n$, which lead to the following seemingly-efficient code to generate all unitary divisors:

def unitary_divisors1(n):
    return sorted( prod(p^d for p,d in f) for f in Subsets(factor(n)) )

For comparison, the naive approach by filtering the divisors of $n$ would be:

def unitary_divisors2(n):
    return [d for d in divisors(n) if gcd(d,n//d)==1]

While from theoretical perspective, unitary_divisors1(n) is much more efficient than unitary_divisors2(n) for "powerful" numbers $n$, unitary_divisors1(n) loses badly to unitary_divisors2(n) when $n$ is square-free (in which case every divisor of $n$ is unitary):

sage: N = prod(nth_prime(i) for i in (1..20))   

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors1(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 26.8 s, sys: 64 ms, total: 26.9 s
Wall time: 26.9 s

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors2(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 672 ms, sys: 16 ms, total: 688 ms
Wall time: 688 ms

In this example with N being the product of first 20 primes, unitary_divisors1(N) is over 40 times slower than unitary_divisors2(N).

Is there a way to generate unitary divisors that works with efficiency close to divisors(n) when $n$ is squarefree or almost squarefree, and takes advantage of the known structure of unitary divisors (ie. works efficiently for powerful numbers $n$)?divisors?

efficient generation of unitary divisors

A divisor $d\mid n$ is called unitary if it is coprime to its cofactor, i.e. $\gcd(d,\frac{n}d)=1$. Since for each prime power $p^k\| n$, we either have $p^k\|d$ or $p\nmid n$, d$, which lead to the following seemingly-efficient code to generate all unitary divisors:

def unitary_divisors1(n):
    return sorted( prod(p^d for p,d in f) for f in Subsets(factor(n)) )

For comparison, the naive approach by filtering the divisors of $n$ would be:

def unitary_divisors2(n):
    return [d for d in divisors(n) if gcd(d,n//d)==1]

While from theoretical perspective, unitary_divisors1(n) is much more efficient than unitary_divisors2(n) for "powerful" numbers $n$, unitary_divisors1(n) loses badly to unitary_divisors2(n) when $n$ is square-free (in which case every divisor of $n$ is unitary):

sage: N = prod(nth_prime(i) for i in (1..20))   

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors1(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 26.8 s, sys: 64 ms, total: 26.9 s
Wall time: 26.9 s

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors2(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 672 ms, sys: 16 ms, total: 688 ms
Wall time: 688 ms

In this example with N being the product of first 20 primes, unitary_divisors1(N) is over 40 times slower than unitary_divisors2(N).

Is there a way to generate unitary divisors that works with efficiency close to divisors(n) when $n$ is squarefree or almost squarefree, and takes advantage of the known structure of unitary divisors?

efficient generation of unitary divisors

A divisor $d\mid n$ is called unitary if it is coprime to its cofactor, i.e. $\gcd(d,\frac{n}d)=1$. Since for each prime power $p^k\| n$, we either have $p^k\|d$ or $p\nmid d$, which lead to the following seemingly-efficient code to generate all unitary divisors:

def unitary_divisors1(n):
    return sorted( prod(p^d prod(p^k for p,d p,k in f) for f in Subsets(factor(n)) )

For comparison, the naive approach by filtering the divisors of $n$ would be:

def unitary_divisors2(n):
    return [d for d in divisors(n) if gcd(d,n//d)==1]

While from theoretical perspective, unitary_divisors1(n) is much more efficient than unitary_divisors2(n) for "powerful" numbers $n$, unitary_divisors1(n) loses badly to unitary_divisors2(n) when $n$ is square-free (in which case every divisor of $n$ is unitary):

sage: N = prod(nth_prime(i) for i in (1..20))   

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors1(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 26.8 s, sys: 64 ms, total: 26.9 s
Wall time: 26.9 s

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors2(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 672 ms, sys: 16 ms, total: 688 ms
Wall time: 688 ms

In this example with N being the product of first 20 primes, unitary_divisors1(N) is over 40 times slower than unitary_divisors2(N).

Is there a way to generate unitary divisors that works with efficiency close to divisors(n) when $n$ is squarefree or almost squarefree, and takes advantage of the known structure of unitary divisors?

efficient generation of unitary divisors

A divisor $d\mid n$ is called unitary if it is coprime to its cofactor, i.e. $\gcd(d,\frac{n}d)=1$. Since for each prime power $p^k\| n$, we either have $p^k\|d$ or $p\nmid d$, which lead to the following seemingly-efficient code to generate all unitary divisors:

def unitary_divisors1(n):
    return sorted( prod(p^k for p,k in f) for f in Subsets(factor(n)) )

For comparison, the naive approach by filtering the divisors of $n$ would be:

def unitary_divisors2(n):
    return [d for d in divisors(n) if gcd(d,n//d)==1]

While from From theoretical perspective, unitary_divisors1(n) is much more efficient than unitary_divisors2(n) for "powerful" powerful/squareful numbers $n$, $n$ and should be comparable for square-free numbers $n$. However, in practice unitary_divisors1(n) loses badly to unitary_divisors2(n) when $n$ is square-free (in which case every divisor of $n$ is unitary):

sage: N = prod(nth_prime(i) for i in (1..20))   

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors1(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 26.8 s, sys: 64 ms, total: 26.9 s
Wall time: 26.9 s

sage: %time len(unitary_divisors2(N))                                                                                                                                                                              
CPU times: user 672 ms, sys: 16 ms, total: 688 ms
Wall time: 688 ms

In this example with N being the product of first 20 primes, unitary_divisors1(N) is over 40 times slower than unitary_divisors2(N).

Is there a way to generate unitary divisors that works with efficiency close to divisors(n) when $n$ is squarefree or almost squarefree, and takes advantage of the known structure of unitary divisors?