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I`m trying to find an irreducible polynomial in Z [x] but reducible in F2 [x]?

Hi everyone, I've been trying to find an irreducible polynomial in Z [x] but reducible in F2 [x].

I tried using this code:

i = 1
a = 0
while a == 0:
  R = GF(2) ['x']
  for p in R(x)polynomial(i)
    i = i + 1
    if not p.is_irreducible():
       if p.is_irreducible():
         print p
         a = 1

As I couldn't think of a way of finding an irreducible in Z and after that changing it to F2 I decided to do it backwards.

I'm in your graceful hands and sorry for my broken English.

I`m trying to find an irreducible polynomial in Z [x] but reducible in F2 [x]?

Hi everyone, I've been trying to find an irreducible polynomial in Z [x] but reducible in F2 [x].

I tried using this code:

i = 1
a = 0
while a == 0:
  R = GF(2) ['x']
  for p in R(x)polynomial(i)
    i = i + 1
    if not p.is_irreducible():
       if p.is_irreducible():
         print p
         a = 1

As I couldn't think of a way of finding an irreducible in Z and after that changing it to F2 I decided to do it backwards.

I'm in your graceful hands and sorry for my broken English.

I`m trying to find Finding an irreducible polynomial in Z [x] but reducible in F2 [x]?[x]

Hi everyone, I've been trying to find an irreducible polynomial in Z [x] but reducible in F2 [x].

I tried using this code:

i = 1
a = 0
while a == 0:
  R = GF(2) ['x']
  for p in R(x)polynomial(i)
    i = i + 1
    if not p.is_irreducible():
       if p.is_irreducible():
         print p
         a = 1

As I couldn't think of a way of finding an irreducible in Z and after that changing it to F2 I decided to do it backwards.

I'm in your graceful hands and sorry for my broken English.