Let R=(r1,...,rm) and S=(S1,...,sn) be a sequence of nonnegative integers with r1+...+rm=s1+...+sn. Let N(R,S) denote the set of all m×n-matrices with nonnegative integer entries whose row sums are given by R and whose column sums are given by S.
For an mxn matrix A=(ai,j) define the mxn matrix Σ(A)=(σi,j) with entries σi,j=i∑k=1j∑l=1ak,l.
Define an order on N(R,S) by saying that A1≤A2 if and only if Σ(A1)≥Σ(A2), where the last ≥ means the entrywise comparison.
For example for R=S=(1,1,...,1) we obtain the poset of the strong Bruhat order for the symmetric group.
Question: Is there an easy way to obtain the poset N(R,S) in Sage?