This seems to be another Sagemath<-->Fricas
interface issue. I am not sure if it is reported or not.
Using sagemath 9.3 with fricas 1.3.6 on Linux
integrate(2*x+x^2*2^(1/2),x, algorithm="fricas")
File "sage/misc/parser.pyx", line 1019, in sage.misc.parser.Parser.parse_error (build/cythonized/sage/misc/parser.c:10208)
raise SyntaxError(msg, tokens.s, tokens.pos)
File "<string>", line unknown
SyntaxError: Malformed expression
Using fricas directly
(2) -> ii:=integrate(2*x+x^2*2^(1/2),x)
\|2 3 2
(2) ---- x + x
Type: Polynomial(AlgebraicNumber)
(3) -> unparse(ii::InputForm)
(3) "((2^(1/2))/3)::AlgebraicNumber()*x^3+1::AlgebraicNumber()*x^2"
Type: String
(4) ->
Is the syntax error coming due to Fricas using those ::AlgebraicNumber()
in there? I looked at my older report for this one using Fricas 1.3.6 on Linux (via sagemath 9.0)
and the error then was
Exception raised: UnboundLocalError
So the exception seem to have changed, but both still fail.
Any idea why the above gives syntax error on the sagemath side?