Background for plot should include axes and labels
Plots in Jupyter: Mathematica vs Sage
Below are four versions of a same plot in Jupyter notebooks in JupyterLab:
- light theme vs dark theme
- Mathematica vs Sage, using the Wolfram Language kernel
and the SageMath kernel
To reproduce, either use the notebooks: mathematica | sage, or use the following code snippet:
f = 8.252e-5 - 0.035e-10*x
I = (0, 1e5)
labels = ["altitude in meters", "force difference in newtons"]
plot(f, I, axes_labels=labels)
and in JupyterLab, select light or dark via the "Settings > JupyterLab Theme" menu.
Light theme
Left: Mathematica. Right: SageMath.
Dark theme
Left: Mathematica. Right: SageMath.
In the SageMath plots,
- the font size is inconsistent between the axis labels and tick labels
the white background does not include the axes or tick labels
if the plot does not extend to an area covering them;
as a consequence, in dark mode,
- the y-axis label and y-axis tick labels,
- the x-axis, x-axis label and x-axis tick labels,
are black on a black background, and cannot be seen.
Could i make the background permanently opaque,
and permanently change the font size to something
more reasonable like Mathematica has for reference?