sage: p = 0x24000000000024000130e0000d7f70e4a803ca76f439266f443f9a5cda8a6c7be4a7a5fe8fadffd6a2a7e8c30006b9459ffffcd300000001
sage: GF(p^2)
This hangs trying to factor the 891-bit integer p2−1, which is longer than the longest solved RSA Challenge number.
It is not unreasonable that constructing the extension field requires knowing the multiplicative order. (You can get around this by constructing it with a specific modulus, but then many operations, e.g. taking roots, require the order anyway.)
However, we know that p2−1 splits as (p−1)(p+1), and factoring those may be much more feasible:
sage: factor(p-1)
2^32 * 3^4 * 17 * 67 * 293 * 349 * 1997 * 19556633 * 44179799701097 * 1461985442088199434216480729118540833655826472878315075486478169293801719414121837587283877
sage: factor(p+1)
2 * 313 * 751 * 2003 * 2671 * 738231097 * 55047696457335561580180364861378466840614260303507426009866606293225963076275651294902969015038913167956483928299
(this takes less than a second on my desktop).
In general, computing the multiplicative order of an extension field should take advantage of the factorization of pk−1 as a polynomial.