Greetings to all, someone could tell me if possible (and what I should learn, where I should start looking) to solve the following problem: I have built a Matrix: (its a dynamical matrix build from force constants matrices), the elements of the matrix are symbolic expressions that depends of certain variables (in particular unknown force constants). I know the eigenvalues of this matrix at certain "points of 2 coordinates" (coordinates are variables of the expression that defines the elements of the array). So, solving a linear system of equations (the equations are determinated by the "expression that sage return for the eigenvalues at these points" == "and the experimental eigenvalue that i measured") i get a numeric value for the variables (that's what my problem is all about).
But the problem is that the values of my own correspond to experimental values, and so I have achieved good constants for 4 points, but I need to adjust them to a set of values of my own, to a curve (the curve -its not only only are a set of curves- is the relation dispersion for bidimensional materials, graphene, BN, etc.) . So i need adjust the values of constants for optimize the adjust to the curve