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Why does SAGE use its own build of Python interpreter

Why can't I install SAGE as a package in an existing Python environment, when every other python package can be used in this way? How is SAGE's bundled python interpreter different from a normal python interpreter?

Why does SAGE use its own build of Python interpreter

Why can't I install SAGE as a package in an existing Python environment, when every other python package can be used in this way? How is SAGE's bundled python interpreter different from a normal python interpreter?

Why does SAGE Sage use its own build of Python interpreter

Why can't I install SAGE Sage as a package in an existing Python environment, when every other python package can be used in this way? How is SAGE's Sage's bundled python interpreter different from a normal python interpreter?

Why does Sage use its own build of Python interpreter

Why can't I install Sage as a package in an existing Python environment, when every other python Python package can be used in this way? How is Sage's bundled python Python interpreter different from a normal python Python interpreter?