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initial version

no mountable file systems

Hi, I am trying to download Sage on my Mac running OS X EL Capitan (10.11.6), and every time I try to open the disk image I get the error "no mountable file systems." This has persisted when I download the app.dmg as well as the .dmg, restarting my computer, creating a new account on my computer, etc., as well as trying to open it in Terminal. Has anyone experienced this?

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 3 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

no mountable file systems

Hi, I am trying to download Sage on my Mac running OS X EL Capitan (10.11.6), and every time I try to open the disk image I get the error "no mountable file systems." This has persisted when I download the app.dmg as well as the .dmg, restarting my computer, creating a new account on my computer, etc., as well as trying to open it in Terminal. Has anyone experienced this?