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Frustrating line break in latex output

Sometimes when I use %display latex with a long expression, a line break occurs at a place that makes the output unreadable.

For example here the factor outside the parenthesis is $\beta_+^2(m_i-m_j)^2$, but it is so close and aligned with the first line, that it appears inside to the unalerted eye.

Frustrating line-break

Why isn't the factor aligned with the second line instead?
Should this even be reported as a Sagemath or a Jupyter issue?

Versions: jupyterlab 2.2.9, Sagemath 9.3beta4

Frustrating line break in latex output

Sometimes when I use %display latex with a long expression, a line break occurs at a place that makes the output unreadable.

For example here the factor outside the parenthesis is $\beta_+^2(m_i-m_j)^2$, but it is so close and aligned with the first line, that it appears inside to the unalerted human eye.

Frustrating line-break

Why isn't the factor aligned with the second line instead?
Should this even be reported as a Sagemath or a Jupyter issue?

Versions: jupyterlab 2.2.9, Sagemath 9.3beta4

Frustrating line break in latex output

Sometimes when I use %display latex with a long expression, expression, a line break occurs at a place that makes the output unreadable. read wrong.

For example, adjust the window to a short width and run for various values of n the following:

n = 9  # or more depending on window width
(sum(x^i for i in (0 .. n)))*exp(x)/x

Confusing LaTeX output

Longer example here where the factor outside numerator should be $( ... ) \beta_+^2(m_i-m_j)^2$ but appears to be inside the parenthesis is $\beta_+^2(m_i-m_j)^2$, but it is so close and aligned with the first line, that it appears inside to the human eye.parenthesis:

Frustrating line-break

Why isn't the factor aligned with the second line instead?
Should this even be reported as a Sagemath or a Jupyter issue?

Versions: jupyterlab 2.2.9, Sagemath 9.3beta4

Frustrating line break in latex output

Sometimes when I use With %display latex with a , long expression, a expressions can read wrong due to weird line break occurs at a place that makes the output read wrong.breaks.

For example, adjust the window to a short width and run run for various values of n the following:

n p = 9 lambda n: sum(x^i for i in (0 .. n))*exp(x)/x
p(9)  # or more depending on window width
(sum(x^i for i in (0 .. n)))*exp(x)/x

Confusing LaTeX output

Longer example where the numerator should be $( ... ) \beta_+^2(m_i-m_j)^2$ but appears to be inside the parenthesis:

Frustrating line-break Confusing LaTeX output

Why isn't the factor aligned with $e^x$ after the parenthesis on the second line instead?


Is this even be reported as a Sagemath SageMath, a Jupyter, or a Jupyter MathJax issue? Where to report it?

Versions: jupyterlab JupyterLab 2.2.9, Sagemath 9.3beta4SageMath 9.3beta4.

Frustrating line break in latex output

With %display latex, long expressions can read wrong due to weird line breaks.

For example, run for various values of n the following:

p = lambda n: sum(x^i for i in (0 .. n))*exp(x)/x
p(9)  # or more depending on window width

Confusing LaTeX output

Why isn't the factor $e^x$ after the parenthesis on the second line instead?

Is this even a SageMath, a Jupyter, or a MathJax issue? Where to report it?

Versions: JupyterLab 2.2.9, SageMath 9.3beta4.