This is a nice table witrh the help of two of you (Full thanks)
A = [[10] * 10, [100] + [0] * 9, [11.1] * 9 + [0]] A.extend([[20] * 5 + [0] * 5, [RDF(50)/2^n for n in range(10)]])# RDF = nombre réel en double precision D = deepcopy(A)# copie A dans D en conservant A intacte.
on arrondit uniquement les lignes qui en ont besoin.
D[2] = list(matrix(RDF, A[2]).round(3)[0])
D[4] = list(matrix(RDF, A[4]).round(3)[0])
#on construit la table
hr = [r"${\color{red} n}$" for n in (1 .. 10)]
hc = ["", r"${\definecolor{energy}{RGB}{200, 8, 21}\color{energy}\text{Équirépartition}}$", r"${\definecolor{energy}{RGB}{200, 8, 21}\color{energy}\text{Tout pour un}}$", r"${\definecolor{energy}{RGB}{200, 8, 21}\color{energy}\text{Un déshérité}}$"]
hc += [r"${\definecolor{energy}{RGB}{200, 8, 21}\color{energy}\text{Injustice pour 1/2 population}}$", r"${\definecolor{energy}{RGB}{200, 8, 21}\color{energy}\text{Injustice croissante}}$"]
t = table(D, header_row=hr, header_column=hc)
I have added colors in the column header. But You will see that if I do the same thing in the row header it do not works since the elements of the header needs to be formated. So what can I do ? And if I want some background colors in the cells and change the colors of the cell's fonts ?