I am rather new to SAGE and formal language. I am running the following code which works fine with a slighty simpler version (where the variables p1,p2,...p5 in the function letsapply are fixed): Here is the original function that works fine:
def letsapply(listg, alist):
mylistg = listg
for si in mylistg:
if si == 's1':
alist = map(s1, alist)
elif si == 's2':
alist = map(s2, alist)
elif si == 's3':
alist = map(s3, alist)
elif si == 's4':
alist = map(s4, alist)
elif si == 's5':
alist = map(s5, alist)
elif si == 's6':
alist = map(s6, alist)
print("Wrong input in letsapply!!")
alistt = [tuple(v) for v in alist]
alistts = set(alistt)
return alistts
Below, I am getting the following "TypeError: 'str' object is not callable". Could anyone helps me fixe this? Thanks a lot!
a1 = vector((1/2, -1/2, -1/2, -1/2, -1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2))
a2 = vector((1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
a3 = vector((-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
a4 = vector((0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
a5 = vector((0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0))
a6 = vector((0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
Lini = [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]
## alist is the set of all projections of roots in E6
myR = [vector(v) for v in Roots]
def proj(t, ai):
myLone = vector(ai)
result= t - myLone.dot_product(t) / (ai.dot_product(ai))*myLone
return result
myL = [proj(x, a6) for x in myR]
def si(t, projai):
myLone = projai
result = t- 2*myLone.dot_product(t)/(projai.dot_product(projai))*myLone
return result
def decompose(g, mylength):
# g is a str(aa) where aa belongs to list(WeylGroup ...)
listg = [g[3*i]+ g[3*i+1] for i in range(0, mylength)]
return listg
def letsapply(listg, alist, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5):
mylistg = listg
for si in mylistg:
if si == 's1':
alist = map(lambda w: si(w, p1), alist)
elif si == 's2':
alist = map(lambda w: si(w, p2), alist)
elif si == 's3':
alist = map(lambda w: si(w, p3), alist)
elif si == 's4':
alist = map(lambda w: si(w, p4), alist)
elif si == 's5':
alist = map(lambda w: si(w, p5), alist)
print("Wrong input in letsapply!!")
alistt = [tuple(v) for v in alist]
alistts = set(alistt)
return alistts
def main():
W = WeylGroup(["A", 5], prefix="s")
listW = list(W)
# We remove the first element which is 1:
listWdecomposed = [decompose(str(g), g.length()) for g in listW]
e = RootSystem(['E',6]).ambient_space()
Roots = e.roots()
## get all projections of roots in E6
myR = [vector(v) for v in Roots]
myL = [proj(x, a6) for x in myR]
print("myL =", myL)
# produce all combinaisons in myL of five vectors,
# and apply the procedure to them: the procedure consists first in writing
# the Weyl group associated to any five elements in myL (call any : myLel), then applying these elements si to myLel
myLlist= Combinations(myL, 5).list()
for myLel in myLlist:
[proja1, proja2, proja3, proja4, proja5] = myLel
res = set(tuple(v) for v in myLel)
for listg in listWdecomposed:
res = res.union(letsapply(listg, myLel, proja1, proja2, proja3, proja4, proja5))
# Reconvert :
res = [vector(v) for v in res]
if len(res)< 30:
return(len(res), res)
print("too many vectors in this subspace")
return 0