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plot3d displaying black graph in jupyter for both 9.0 and 9.1

I installed sage 9.1, and also installed its kernel on jupyter. Everything else other than plot3d works fine. The behavior of 9.1 is same as 9.0, it shows a black background. If drag the mouse on it, it shows a empty frame on white background.

I tried all the options, with or without switch viewer="threejs".

plot3d displaying black graph in jupyter for both 9.0 and 9.1

I installed sage 9.1, and also installed its kernel on jupyter. Jupyter. Everything else other than plot3d plot3d works fine. The fine.

For plot3d, the behavior of 9.1 is same as 9.0, it shows a black background. background. If drag the mouse on it, it shows a an empty frame on white background.

For example:

sage: f = lambda x, y: exp(-x**2-y**2)
sage: W = plot3d(f, (-2, 2), (-2, 2))
sage: show(W, figsize=8)

I tried all the options, with or without switch viewer="threejs".