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asked 4 years ago

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Pre-set memory limit reached - Gaperror

Hello everyone, I am using a Sage code to compute galois group of a polynomial of degree 24. It is a symbolic polynomial so this code gives possible galois groups. When I run it for lower degrees it gives output but when the polynomial has degree 24 it doesn't compute. Because it computes subgroups of a group of order over 264 million. I know it is very hard to find these groups but i need it. I tried so hard for 3 weeks or more. I use sagemathcell, cocalc and Oracle Virtual Box. I tried so many things but they didn't work. It gives GAPerror: reached pre-set memory limit OR runtime error Gap produced error output, error, variable $sage37 must have a value. I guess the problem is computing conjugacy classes of subgroups. How can I eliminate this Gap error?

P.S1: I am very beginner at Sage. My knowledge about coding, programming etc. is very small. P.S2: I cannot write the code here because it doesn't belong to me. I found it on internet. But if you want to see I can send you the link.