I'm trying to plot price series from Yahoo Finance using list_plot, however it only plots the values on x-axis, when it would be on the y-axis. I tried using list_plot(prices) and making tuples of (x,price). Please see the following code:
import json
import requests
simb = 'IRBR3'
js = '********query1.finance.yahoo.com/v8/finance/chart/' + simb + '.SA?symbol=' + simb + '.SA&period1=0&period2=9999999999&interval=1d' #please modify the asterisks to correct the https link, not enough karma to publish links :-(
response = requests.get(js)
yf = json.loads(response.text)
#list_plot(prices) #doesn't work
#pts = [(float(x),y) for x in range(len(prices)-1) for y in prices]
list_plot(pts) #doesn't work either
Is there any configuration lacking? Or maybe a "data mistyping"?