I apologize if this is a little abstract, but is it possible to create some sort of "for" or "while" loop that will pass to the next iterate if the computation for that specific iterate takes too long?
For example, it could be something along the lines of, for some function/procedure
we have
for n in range(100):
but if for some n in the range, the computation of F(n) takes more than say, 1 minute CPU time, I want it to either just skip to computing F(n+1) and/or print "-1" in place of F(n).
So let's say F(0), F(1), and F(2) all take less than half a second to compute they print just fine, so then n gets set to n=3, and F(3) starts running, but let's say it runs for over a minute, I want it to be that the loop outputs "-1" (or something) and then moves on to computing F(4).