I'm dealing with some Hermitian matrices valued in symbolic expressions. I need to be able to compute inverses of these matrices, but they seem to get big pretty fast. That is it would nice to be able to do this in a reasonable amount of time with 10x10 matrices at least, and hopefully larger than that.
I'm currently running a cell where the inverses of 2 10x10 matrices are being computed, and it's taken well over 10 minutes.
Are there ways to exploit the fact that these matrices are Hermitian to compute the inverses faster, and/or are there better ways to compute inverses of symbolic matrices than the standard .inverse()??
EDIT: I originally avoided an example, because their construction is somewhat convoluted as you'll see below.
First we have two variables which for which I want to run the larger program for various choices thereof.
p = 1, q= 5
X = {(i): var("X_{}".format(i), latex_name="X_{}") for i in range(2*p*q)}
e = {(i,j,k): var("e_{}{}{}".format(i,j,k), latex_name="e_{{{}{}{}}}".format(i,j,k)) for i in range(2) for j in range(q) for k in range((p+q))}
The following creates a list L such that L[i] is the collection of lists of length i whose elements are integers between 0 and q-1 in strictly increasing order. This is used throughout the larger program.
L = [[[]]]
LL = []
for i in range(q):
if q>=2:
for k in range(2,q+1):
LLL = []
for i in range(binomial(q, k-1)):
for j in range(q):
if L[k-1][i][len(L[k-1][i])-1]<j:
mm = []
for t in L[k-1][i]:
Here, a matrix is defined which we be used to construct the matrices I'm interested in.
HE = matrix(SR, q, q)
for i in range(q):
for j in range(q):
prod = 0
for k in range(p):
prod -= (e[(0, i, k)]*e[(1, j, k)])
for l in range(p+q):
if l>=p:
prod += (e[(0, i, l)]*e[(0, j, l)])
HE[i,j] = prod
h = {(i): var("h_{}".format(i)) for i in range(q+1)}
for i in range(q+1):
h[i] = matrix(SR, binomial(q, i), binomial(q, i))
h[0][0,0] = 1
for i in range(1, q+1):
for z in L[i]:
for w in L[i]:
h[i][L[i].index(z), L[i].index(w)] = HE[z, w].det()
Finally, we come to the inverse matrices I would like to compute. It is absolutely necessary that I have these inverse matrices.
hinv = {(i): var("hinv_{}".format(i)) for i in range(q+1)}
for i in range(q+1):
hinv[i] = h[i].inverse()