Here is a box with a curve in it
ppplot=polygon([( 0 , 0 ), ( 0 , 10 ), ( 1 , 10 ),( 1 , 0 )], color = "#bbd2e1")
ppplot+=plot(1/x,(x, 0.1, 1), color="red")
ppplot+=plot(-10*x+10,(x, 0, 1), color="green",linestyle="--")
ppplot+=line([(0, 10), (1,10),(1,0)], color="green",linestyle="--")
ppplot+=circle((1,10), .1,edgecolor="green",fill=true, facecolor="green")
I have two questions :
1) how to impeach that the aspect-ratio be applied to circle() 2) how to obtain a new curve where $1/x$ but this time with the origin of the axes in the green dot (symetry by the dashed line.