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Table with multi-line/column header

This is a nice table

T = [[0,0,5,3],[3,1,5,4],[4,4,6,2],[4,2,7,8],[5,4,6,6],[7,5,8,9]]
t = table(T, header_row=[r'$B_1$',r'$B_2$',r'$B_3$',r'$B_4$'], header_column=[r'$A_{11}$', r'$A_{12}$',r'$A_{13}$', r'$A_{21}$', r'$A_{22}$',r'$A_{23}$'], frame=True)

But in the doc I havent seen how to add a multicolumn or multirow header for all the index or only for a subset