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Rotate a parametric plot


I am trying to rotate a plot given by t=var("t") P=parametric_plot((cos(2t), sin(3t) ), (t,-10pi,10pi),rgbcolor=(1,0,0), thickness=2,scale='linear').

I can rotate P by using the rotation matrix

PR=parametric_plot( (R(theta)vector([cos(2t), sin(3t)])), (t,-10pi,10*pi),rgbcolor=(1,0,0), thickness=2,scale='linear')

But is there a way to rotate it without drawing it again?

click to hide/show revision 2

Rotate a parametric plot


I am trying to rotate a plot given by t=var("t") P=parametric_plot((cos(2t), sin(3t) ), (t,-10pi,10pi),rgbcolor=(1,0,0), thickness=2,scale='linear'). by

P=parametric_plot((cos(2*t),  sin(3*t) ), (t,-10*pi,10*pi),rgbcolor=(1,0,0), thickness=2,scale='linear')
. I can rotate P by using the rotation matrix

PR=parametric_plot( (R(theta)vector([cos(2t), sin(3t)])), (t,-10pi,10*pi),rgbcolor=(1,0,0), thickness=2,scale='linear')

(R(theta)*vector([cos(2*t), sin(3*t)])), (t,-10*pi,10*pi),rgbcolor=(1,0,0), thickness=2,scale='linear')

But is there a way to rotate it without drawing it again?