I have installed Mathematica Version 11.3 at a Linux system (openSUSE Leap 15.1) on a partition "math", i.e. separated from the Linux home and system partition. I have tried to send Mathematica expressions from SageMath to Mathematica in the manner described in the SageMath reference by using a SageMath Notebook or its command line interface. They are rejected with:
TypeError: unable to start mathematica: End Of File (EOF). Exception style platform.
In the course of the installation of Mathematica I added the path to the math command line interface of Mathematica to the common PATH-sequence. Therefore I am able to access the Mathematica command line interface by simply entering math or the command:
/usr/bin/sh -c stty -echo; math -rawterm
using a bash-terminal outside SageMath. I have checked that I can do it without the need for specifying the complete path to math. However, entering the same command within a Sage-session by using the Python's OS- interface is only successful if the full path to math is specified:
/usr/bin/sh -c stty -echo; /run/media/bernhardi/math/math -rawterm
The error appearing otherwise is the same as that one returned by the above described trials to send mathematica objects. The protocol shows that the mathematica objects are sent to Mathematica without detailed path info. Thus, obviously the SageMath-Mathematica interface does not recognize the complete path info that is availabe in the basic Linux system. Maybe the missing info is caused by the fact that Mathematica is located on a remote partition. Therefore my question: Is it possible to provide sageMath with the needed full path to math? All that I have specified in the attached Sage session protocol.