I am using sagemath.sty. The multiplication asterisks that are shown in the sagecommandline environment are far too low. How can I adjust them?
I am bringing in a TrueType font using fontspec. This is a coding font so the asterisks are lower than in many other fonts. That I can tell, sagemath is moving them vertically and the result is that they fall into the baseline.
Here is my file try.tex. Below I have links to two images showing the output for the two fonts listed. (The coding font ProggyClean.ttf is from a web site called proggyfonts.net but I included the images so you needn't download it to see what I mean.)
% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
% \newfontface\listingsfont[
% Color=red]{Charis SIL}
% Copied and modified from sagetex
% Test how it looks under regular verbatim style
% Text in the listings font
{\listingsfont abc**def "jklm" 'nopq'}
% Test under regular verbatim
% Text under Sage
sage: 4**3+16
sage: 2-3/4*5
The result of using ProggyClean is at i.imgur.com/EcbAtMN.png (I lack the karma to post links) and gives asterisks in the baseline. The result of uncommenting the text font Charis SIL is at i.imgur.com/ltFkamq.png and looks much better, I think because its asterisks started out higher.
How can I adjust the height of these myself? Thank you.