$$u = \frac{\sqrt{a^2+(r+t)^2}-\sqrt{a^2+(r-t)^2}}{2r}$$ How does one solve for $t$ in terms of all the other variables?
I tried the following SageMath code but failed to find the solution. What is the correct script?
u,r,t,a = var('u','r','t','a')
g = (sqrt(a^2 + (r+t)^2) - sqrt(a^2 + (r-t)^2))/(2*r)
ae = (g==u)
The output is:
sqrt(a^2 + r^2 + 2rt + t^2) == 2ru + sqrt(a^2 + r^2 - 2rt + t^2)
This is not the desired solution.