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"print" statement vs function for Sage-py3

With the upcoming migration of Sage from Python2 to Python3, I was wondering if Sage's default new behavior will be the current print statement (e.g., print 'hello') or will it change to Python3's print command (e.g., print('hello')).

In case of a change from the current behavior, will there be a way to keep backwards compatibility for code written Python2-style?

Thanks for your answers!

click to hide/show revision 2

"print" statement vs function for Sage-py3

With the upcoming migration of Sage from Python2 to Python3, I was wondering if Sage's default new behavior will be the current print statement (e.g., print 'hello') or will it change to Python3's print command (e.g., print('hello')).

In case of a change from the current behavior, will there be a way to keep backwards compatibility for code written Python2-style?

Thanks for your answers!