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click to hide/show revision 1
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x coordinate Of an Elliptic Curve point

I am defining an Elliptic curve E and then taking a random point P over E. now I want to print the x coordinate of the elliptic curve. How to do that ?

F.<z>=GF(2^11, modulus= conway_polynomial(2,11))
j= F.random_element()
E= EllipticCurve_from_j(j)
P= E.random_point()

Now I want to define w to be the x co-ordinate of P.

click to hide/show revision 2

x coordinate Of an Elliptic Curve point

I am defining an Elliptic curve E and then taking a random point P over E. now I want to print the x coordinate of the elliptic curve. How to do that ?

F.<z>=GF(2^11, modulus= conway_polynomial(2,11))
j= F.random_element()
E= EllipticCurve_from_j(j)
P= E.random_point()

Now I want to define w to be the x co-ordinate of P.