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asked 6 years ago

done_with_fish gravatar image

Why can't I use the sagesilent environment in AtBeginDocument?

I'm trying to write a latex sty file to change the default behavior of sagetex.

My file is

\ProvidesPackage{examplepackage}[2018/12/24 examplepackage]


    A = 3


However, attempting to use this sty file in the following latex file produces the error ! File ended while scanning use of \next.



hello world!

What's wrong with my sty file?

Why can't I use the sagesilent environment in AtBeginDocument?

I'm trying to write a latex sty file to change the default behavior of sagetex.

My file is

\ProvidesPackage{examplepackage}[2018/12/24 examplepackage]


    A = 3


However, attempting to use this sty file in the following latex file produces the error ! File ended while scanning use of \next.



hello world!

What's wrong with my sty file?