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Torsion subgroups of Jacobian over fields bigger than rationals.

I am interested to compute: ``torsion subgroups of Jacobian abelian variety J_0(p^2) defined over fields bigger than rationals."

The command: Upto p=11 it is fine after that if you give

J0(169).qbar_torsion_subgroup().field_of_definition() gives the error:

``AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-1-0f46a1a51624> in <module>() 1 A = J0(Integer(169)) 2 A.qbar_torsion_subgroup() ----> 3 A.field_of_definition() 4 J0(Integer(169)).qbar_torsion_subgroup().field_of_definition()"

Can somebody kindly tell me why Sage can compute upto p=11?

click to hide/show revision 2

Torsion subgroups of Jacobian over fields bigger than rationals.

I am interested to compute: ``torsion subgroups of Jacobian abelian variety J_0(p^2) defined over fields bigger than rationals."

The command: Upto p=11 it is fine after that if you give


J0(169).qbar_torsion_subgroup().field_of_definition() gives the error:

``AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-0f46a1a51624> in <module>()
      1 A = J0(Integer(169))
      2 A.qbar_torsion_subgroup()
----> 3 A.field_of_definition()
      4 J0(Integer(169)).qbar_torsion_subgroup().field_of_definition()" 


Can somebody kindly tell me why Sage can compute upto p=11?