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asked 6 years ago

done_with_fish gravatar image

Is it possible to remove the latex parentheses from exponential functions?

Consider the block of code

sage: f = exp(x**2)
sage: latex(f)

It looks like sage is configured to include parentheses in the latex of an exponential function. Is it possible to configure sage to exclude these parentheses?

Is it possible to remove the latex parentheses from exponential functions?

Consider the block of code

sage: f = exp(x**2)
sage: latex(f)

It looks like sage is configured to include parentheses in the latex of an exponential function. Is it possible to configure sage to exclude these parentheses?

Is it possible to remove the latex parentheses from exponential functions?

Consider the block of code

sage: f = exp(x**2)
sage: latex(f)

It looks like sage is configured to include parentheses in the latex of an exponential function. Is it possible to configure sage to exclude these parentheses?