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Error while compiling sage 8.3


So, I wanted to compile sage 8.3 on Xubuntu 16.04: I get this error:

I ran the command './congifure' beforehand, without any error. I also have every prerequisite up to date according to my Ubuntu.

Any ideas? I'm not an expert at all on compilation, Linux and stuff, but I've read in the sage documentation that all is automated and should work fine by itself so I'm quite surprised.


Error while compiling sage 8.3


So, I wanted to compile sage 8.3 on Xubuntu 16.04: I get this error:

I ran the command './congifure' beforehand, without any error. I also have every prerequisite up to date according to my Ubuntu.

Any ideas? I'm not an expert at all on compilation, Linux and stuff, but I've read in the sage documentation that all is automated and should work fine by itself so I'm quite surprised.
