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Missing root when solving equation in sageMath

When I solve equation using sageMath, it missed one root.

sage: solve([4/5(x - 1)^2/x^(1/5) + 2(x - 1)*x^(4/5)==0] ,x)

[x == (2/7), x == 1]

The equation has 3 roots. It misses x==0.

What is the reason?

Missing root when solving equation in sageMath

When I solve equation using sageMath, it missed one root.

sage: solve([4/5(x solve([4/5*(x - 1)^2/x^(1/5) + 2(x 2*(x - 1)*x^(4/5)==0] ,x)


[x == (2/7), x == 1]


The equation has 3 roots. It misses x==0.

What is the reason?